What is Soul Numerology?
Soul Numerology readings are visual, interactive, informative and give you clarity and understanding on your life path. Soul Numerology readings have been designed using more than a decade of experience in working with energy patterns. The reading combines Numerology, Tarot, Elemental energies, Colour therapy and Aura work. It can give you insight into your life’s challenges and shows you the Archetypical patterns(patterns that you keep repeating) that you are expressing and manifesting at this time in your life. Soul Numerology readings give you a map of the game called life. Your personal numbers hold the keys to your soul’s life path. By exploring your unique energy pathways, you can align yourself to your higher soul path, your reason for being.
About Berto
I have been doing aura/intuitive/numerology/ tarot readings for more than 20 years. I tend to focus on the present moment as this will create your future. By being aware of the patterns that you are expressing now and looking at the different options to create the change we can formulate a positive direction for your life. I have successfully supported many people individually and in business to find what is going on energetically that is creating stagnation. I can easily access energy pathways to help you move through and around these interferences.
Am I Clairvoyant? – Yes!
Am I Clairsentient?- Yes!
Can I see Auras? – Yes!
Clairvoyant means the ability to see energy clearly. I am blessed with this ability and could see auras, energy, ghosties and other energy patterns since I can remember. How this will help in a reading is that we can hide stuff with words but we can’t hide energy, which makes my readings very precise and informative.
Topics covered in a typical reading
Personal energy history
Life patterns
Purpose and growth
Ancestors (yes they sometimes visit)
Personal year theme
How a reading can assist you:
Clear practical advice on how to release the past and embrace your future
Plan of action to create lasting change
Directional energy coaching to move you to your desired goals
Helping to find clarity on what it is that you want in life
Career and life purpose counselling
Processing limitations and restrictions
Clearing excuses and self-sabotage
it can show you challenges and how to set yourself free from them
it can give you direction and clarity
it can give you a deeper understanding of your personality and why you attract certain circumstances
it can show you the archetypical pattern that you are expressing in your life most of the time
it can help you to make informed decisions about your life.
Readings can be facilitated in the following manner:
Soul Numerology is available as in-person consultations at our studio in Diep River,
Cape town.
You can also order a reading and receive it as a voice note file through WhatsApp. You can then listen to your reading and revisit it when needed.
After payment is received a Skype sessions can be set up for those that want personal interaction.
Info needed:
full name, middle name and surname
date of birth
time and place of birth (if you have it)
favourite colour as a child
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About Berto Voigt I help sensitive individuals to become more energy robust. I provide simple, dynamic energy healing courses to assist individuals who want to learn more about their own energy world. |
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