Solve Sex Problems Restore Confidence

Solve Sex Problems Restore Confidence


⭐️Sex education teaches safety but not technique which results in a great deal of confusion, anxiety and guesswork involved! Restore your sexual confidence today with my Sex Mastery consultations.

Most therapists are very good at validating your feelings, providing helpful insights and offering counseling, medications or techniques to treat the symptoms which can all be helpful and beneficial - to a point. Unfortunately, they often do not address the “root cause” of sex problems and emotional connection issues which is using the wrong technique at the wrong time.

This is what I correct.

From your first session with me you will gain REAL answers and strategies to restore confidence in your ability to feel fulfilled (like the thousands of people I have already helped!)

Some clients prefer to pay $2,000/month for unlimited access to me. However, most clients are genuinely happy with their results from 1-3 sessions.

Sexual Function - Sexual "malfunctions" including problems reaching orgasm, weak erection, ejaculating early, low libido and inner vaginal dryness all wreck havoc with your relationship and self-esteem. Receive step-by-step instructions on how to give your brain clear signals so you become in complete control over your arousal levels and in total control of the sexual act.

The Emotional Reset Technique (ERT) - enables you to immediately reset yourself into a state of calm when feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated or overwhelmed by neutralizing stress hormones and naturally increasing dopamine to enhance your brain's performance.

Understand cause and effect and how your thoughts, behaviors, and actions continue to trigger yourself and others. Develop the secret power within your brain to be in charge of how you feel and how you interact within your relationship and life.

I’m totally confident my unique insights and knowledge will set you up emotionally and sexually for life.

What's Included

  • 1x 90-Minute Session
  • MP3 Recording of Session
  • Sex Mastery Program Lifetime Access (Pre-recorded video, audio, and PDF resources)
  • 100% Private & Confidential
  • Email Support
  • Additional Resources
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Provided By
⭐️Founder of the Psychosexual Alignment method and Sex Mastery programs for men and women, I enrich relationships by solving emotional and sexual challenges. A published author; my unique views and insights on sexual function, human psychology and emotio…

Practitioner Reviews

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