Nutrition Counseling

coaching session
$200 USD
$200 USD


Personalized nutrition counseling using Intuitive Eating and functional nutrition to resolve chronic issues and help you feel at home in your body again.

Target audience

Anyone wanting to get to the root cause of your digestive, metabolic, or mental health concerns.


Feel more at peace in your body, regain trust in your relationship to food, and feel better.


Initial visits are 60 minutes long; follow ups are 55 minutes. Inquire about insurance options; nutrition is a covered service for many.

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Edmonds, WA, USA

Hi, I'm Lisa!

In my work as a functional nutritionist I’ve heard too many clients say that they have a strained relationship with food or their body from past diets and obsessive advice from health practitioners. I passionately believe in the healing power of functional nutrition but it only works if approached with care, compassion, and respect for individuality. Through my own health journey I’ve been that person intrigued by shiny new diets only to “fail” miserably and keep rinsing and repeating the cycle of misery. I’ve used healing practices to learn how to trust my body again, eat with abundance, and incorporate therapeutic nutrition, lifestyle habits, and positive psychology to ditch the endless dieting cycle.

I believe in the same for you and will act as a guide to get you to where you want to be: trusting in your body again and on the way to feeling better.

On Core Spirit since June 2024

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