Natal Chart Readings

Natal Chart Readings


Your birth chart is a snapshot of the planetary arrangements in the sky the moment you were born. Much like an individual fingerprint, your birth chart is a unique blueprint of your life revealing information on your life path, your talents, skills, and motivations. This provides a great deal of insight on your individual energy and drive as well as an opportunity to make decisions to plan, even through challenging times.

You are more than your sun sign. Astrology through your birth chart provides detailed insight into your character giving you more than the concept of your birth sign in a horoscope. Though, your Sun sign presents your identity and life purpose, you also harness energy of other planetary alignments as well as all parts of the zodiac. The unique arrangement of your birth chart provides those aspects of planets and how you experience challenges, changes, and shifts within your life.

You are an individual spirit with free will to express your being. Understanding your birth chart gives you the potential to see detailed aspects of your experiences, through the interpretation of each planet and the energy it expresses.

If you would like a personal birth chart reading please Have your Birth date, Location, and time. If you do not have the exact time, your chart may have slight characteristics that will challenge the placements that are present and will not be accurate as it should.

Your reading will provide an alternate view of the energy you present to the world. Astrology does not predict the future, only guidance through self-knowledge and reflection and in all aspects of life showing you a way to navigate through challenging times through each chapter of life.

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I began my journey with spiritual healing 4 years ago. I was able to expand my spiritual knowledge through healing practices, mentoring, meditation, and many life changing experiences. I am thankful to have the opportunity to share my knowledge and wisdom…

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Bri Ariel3y ago

Hello Irene, I’m so sorry that I didn’t notice this much earlier. I just received notification that there was a message. There is always a perfect timing to everything ✨ if you are still interested and need some guidance please select a service and I will be happy to assist you on your journey 🙏🏻 Love and light.

Irene Hudson4y ago

hello! Recently, I notice that I do not understand how to relate to a particular life situation. I want to know my true character, my energy, who I am in general. Can you tell me everything about me?

Natal Astrology
Bri Ariel
Jan 22, 2025, 14:00
Orlando, FL, USA
Natal Chart Readings
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