<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Lucid Dreaming Mentorship (30 Day) | Core Spirit

Lucid Dreaming Mentorship (30 Day)

mentorship session
$333 USD
$333 USD

In this Lucid Dreaming Mentorship, we will meet once a week for 30 days.

We will discuss where you are currently with Lucid Dreaming, your goals & desires through this practice, and create a clear path to easily & naturally induce lucid dreams while meeting your goals & desired outcomes.

Session 1 | Week 1: Mastering Dream Recall & Clarity

Session 2 | Week 2: Creating Spontaneous Lucid Dreams

Session 3 | Week 3: Inducing Lucid Dreams at Will

Session 4 | Week 4: Using Lucid Dreaming for Self-Discovery, Subconscious Reprogramming and Personal Growth, Healing the Mind & Body.

This Mentorship also includes:

Step by Step Lucid Dreaming PDF Guides
Lucid Dreaming/Astral Travel Binaural Beats Meditation
50% off coupon to 40-Part Lucid Dream video course

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Provided By
S Riverside Dr, Sandy, UT 84070, USA

Haylee is a Lucid Dreaming & Out of Body Experience Mentor and has over 8 years of experience guiding others to altered states of consciousness for growth, discovery, & transformation. She studies Dream Yoga, the ancient Tibetan practices of Dream & Sleep, Neuroscience and Quantum Physics, & combines modern and ancient Eastern practices into her teachings to experience powerful healing modalities.

On Core Spirit since September 2020

Life Coaching
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Success & Wealth Mentorship (60 min)
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Brain Hacking
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Success & Wealth Mentorship (30 Day)
In this Success &amp; Wealth session, we will meet once a week for 30 days. We will discuss where you are currently with your business/occupation or creative endeavor, your goals &amp; desires around monthly income, sources of income &amp; personal growt…
Lucid Dreaming
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Lucid Dreaming Mentorship (60 min)
In this Lucid Dreaming Mentorship session, we will discuss where you are currently with Lucid Dreaming, your goals &amp; desires through this practice, and create a clear path to easily &amp; naturally induce lucid dreams while meeting your goals &amp; de…
Lucid Dreaming
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Lucid Dreaming Mentorship (30 Day)
In this Lucid Dreaming Mentorship, we will meet once a week for 30 days. We will discuss where you are currently with Lucid Dreaming, your goals &amp; desires through this practice, and create a clear path to easily &amp; naturally induce lucid dreams wh…
Astral Travel
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Astral Travel Mentorship (30 Day)
In this Astral Travel Mentorship, we will meet once a week for 30 days. We will discuss where you are currently with Out-of-Body Experience induction, your goals &amp; desires through this practice, and create a clear path to easily &amp; naturally induc…
Astral Travel
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Astral Travel Mentorship (60 min)
In this Astral Travel Mentorship session, we will discuss where you are currently with Out-of-Body Experience induction, your goals &amp; desires through this practice, and create a clear path to easily &amp; naturally induce Out-of-Body Experiences while…

Practitioner Reviews

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Leave your comments / questions

Haylee Lynn3y ago

Hey! I would say it depends on where you are at in the dream practice and what your goals are. If you are new to lucid dreaming, it may take more than one session if you are wanting to learn how to lucid dream. But we can definitely cover a lot of the basics in one session! Also, I just ran a 4-Day workshop called Intro to Dreaming that covers the basics of dreaming/lucid dreaming! It was a live workshop; recordings are available if that interests you! Let me know what works best for you!

Jess Rogers3y ago

Hello, i am interested if i could do everything in one session. Or it is impossible?

Lucid Dreaming
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Lucid Dreaming Mentorship (30 Day)
Astral Travel
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Astral Travel Mentorship (30 Day)
Lucid Dreaming
Haylee Lynn
Jul 29, 2024, 15:00
Lucid Dreaming Mentorship (60 min)

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