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Love Tarot Life Coaching Session

coaching session
$150 USD
$150 USD

Are you tired of being alone? Are you ready for a long term relationship that will ultimately lead fo marriage? Do you want to take your relarionship to the next level?

This reading will go in depth into how to bring love into your life or how to grow your relationship.

please note I do not read on exes and tbeir new relationship, pregnancy, children, or any situation that you are not directly involved in.

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Amarillo, TX, USA

Hello beautiful soul!

It’s time to come out of the shell you’ve placed around yourself and start creating the life you want! I channel your animal spirit guides coupled with tarot cards, and life coaching to help you remove blocks stopping you from living life at your fullest potential!

Want to speak and enhance the bond you have with your pet? I can do this as well!

On Core Spirit since February 2020

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Hello! So for this, I would say 3 sessions to six sessions. We will be looking deeply into the past relationships as well and I will be adding in energy healing and deep coaching to help you shift your mindset and learn how to be alone while attracting your person.

Joan Wilson3y ago

Hello! I am really tired of being alone and I want a partner but I have problems with this. How many sessions are necessary to notice the results?

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Pet Counselling
Amanda Martinotti
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
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Amanda Martinotti
Jul 29, 2024, 13:00
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