<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Getting through tough emotions | Core Spirit

Getting through tough emotions

therapy session
$55 USD
$55 USD
Clearing away the selected intense emotion from all the memories and healing the personal narrative.

You have intense emotions that weigh you down that you need to release?►
Some emotions & memories keep coming back, but you don't know how to discharge them?►
You find the root cause of your problems and patterns but you can't change them anyway?►
You feel overwhelmed, uncertain, frustrated, lost, disconnected, in pain, and/or numb?►

►It's actually suprisingly simple to go through it once you know HOW. I've been down this path, and these methods transformed my life, and dozens of other clients I worked with. Now I facilitate it for you and hold safe space for processing and integration.

We can work on anything including:

  • Healing your inner child►
  • Mourning of a loss, or a seperation►
  • Blocked path to success, financial freedom, relationships►
  • Loneliness, depression, anxiety, unwillingness to go on,►
  • Emotional wholeness,►
  • Finding self-confidence & compassion►
  • Heal past hurt and unlearn trauma ►
  • Finding positivity, motivation, gratitude and inner joy►
  • Or beyond...►

►Once the emotional weight is discharged, this opens up new space in you. A lot more centered, peaceful, vibrant and flowing version of you fills this space. Now book the best option for you and let's work it out together!

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Provided By
Estonia pst, Tallinn, Estonia

I help you in mastering yourself + integrating emotions + transform your subconscious patterns, so you can create your most fulfilling, joyful life with compassion and ease. I'm a certified Transformative Breathwork Facilitator & Subconscious Mind Coach, and also a curious life traveler. I use tools of many mind-body-soul practices from science-based to metaphysical to fit your needs the best.

On Core Spirit since September 2021

Theta Healing
Nesibe Irem Erdem
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Theta Healing
Nesibe Irem Erdem
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Get Answers From Your Spiritual Guides On Anything
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Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
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Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
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Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Getting through tough emotions
Clearing away the selected intense emotion from all the memories and healing the personal narrative. You have intense emotions that weigh you down that you need to release?► Some emotions &amp; memories keep coming back, but you don’t know how to dischar…
Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Resolving your subconscious blockages about money, relationships, and success
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Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Finding your own answers through your inner guide
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Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Finding your own answers through your inner guide
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Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Decluttering and focusing your mind with a map
We’ll identify and organize the crowded thoughts in your mind. (Contact me for any questions) ► You jump from thought to thought in a loop, can’t get to results, and listen to a noisy mind whole day? I can get you to free yourself from the clutter and se…
Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Revitalizing and releasing emotional stress with breathwork
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Life Coaching
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Decluttering and focusing your mind with a map
We will have 3 sessions in a week to get you earning the skill to organize your mind. You jump from thought to thought in a loop, ► can’t get to results, and listen to a noisy mind whole day? ► I can get you to free yourself from the clutter and set acti…
Rapid Transformational Therapy
Nesibe Irem Erdem
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Resolving Life Issues by Integrating Conflicting Parts of your Psyche
Resolving a repeating life problem, such as ▲you want something but sabotage yourself, ▲you have conflicting desires or emotions about a matter, ▲ problems around money / marriage / relationships, ▲problems with certain people in your life, etc. We will …

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