Vibrational Sound Therapy is a process in which the practitioner uses sound (frequency) to help improve health- emotionally, spiritually, socially, mentally, and superficially. It is a complementary health technique that can facilitate the awakening of unused energy and free any blocks and interferences that limits one’s full potential. It is the combination of science, metaphysics, sound, and spirituality to bring a unique powerful journey.
EVT stimulates the energy flow through the chakra system and activates unused energy, and prepares the individual for self healing. EVT facilitates the moment of the Chi, Prana,Ka (energy) throughout the energy body. Energy is directed up the spine from the root chakra to the crown chakra where it will make a Sacred Pause before it descends down the front side of the body from crown to root. There is a picture above of the main Chakras of the body. We invite Divine Guidance of 100% pure light and love for the individual and practitioner to begin allowing the free flow of energy to emerge, Thus setting the intention with the universe first. Energy Vitality Technique, EVT, helps with not only removing all the blocks and interferences but achieving balance. EVT stimulates the energy flow through the chakra system.
Vibrational Sound Therapy can improve many ailments including:
Learning disabilities
Anxiety Disorder
Sleeping disorder
It can also bring about:
Clarity and Balance
Improved memory and concentration
Improved Sleep
A stronger immune system
Improved creativity
Heightened of self and the environment
This session can be done in the comfort of your home with audio phone call with ear buds. You can lay in bed with your feet uncrossed and palms of your hand up. Close your eyes and breath in each sound in as you get whisked away in peace and tranquility. It is recommended that you you have water besides you at your bedside, energy healing may make you thirsty. Also to rest an hour after the appointment - no driving or operating any heavy equipment.
There are some forms to be filled out prior with a consultation prior to the session for us to get to know each other.
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I am a Vibrational Sound Practitioner, using Solfeggio sound frequencies to help improve overall wellness: body mind and spirit. It is a complementary wellness technique that can facilitate the awakening of unused energy, free any blocks and interference that limits one's full potential. Its a combination of science, metaphysics, sound and spirituality to bring a unique powerful journey.
Divyana Govind DDS, VSP doesn’t have reviews yet.
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