Distance Reiki Session

healing session
$75 USD
$75 USD


Energetic Reiki distance healing one-hour session. This session includes a follow-up phone call/email/or text message of any blockages found and how they may be related to prior traumas and emotional blocks in the body.

Target audience

Anyone that believes in energy healing or that wants to experience an energy healing for improved well being.


To gain clarity of their personal mind-body connection in its current state.


Energetic Reiki distance healing one-hour session. This session includes a follow-up of any blockages found and how they may be related to prior traumas and emotional blocks in the body. I am a psychic and scan the body for the most relevant items that need addressing or are the most in need of being cleared. I also utilize my tuning forks to clear away heavy and dense energy. I help clients gain clarity of their personal mind-body connection in its current state.


Comfort clothes and quiet place to relax during session.

Other comments

Energy healings are NOT a replacement for seeking Professional Medical Help. We do not diagnose or treat medical conditions.

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Provided By
Turlock, CA, USA

Julie is an International best-selling Author, Podcast Host of Spiritual Alchemy Energy and Spiritual Healer. Julie loves to help people to find clarity, new awareness, and perspective in their lives which empowers and inspires them to follow their life purpose. A non-fiction author that writes about her personal spiritual experiences. Her first book dispaly & highlight spiritual awakening.

On Core Spirit since January 2023

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