Acupuncture is a complementary medical practice that entails stimulating certain points on the body, most often with a needle penetrating the skin, to alleviate pain or to help treat various health conditions.
Hannah has been qualified for over eight years in Acupuncture. She specialises in using this treatment technique to help with global body pain, headaches, poor sleep, hormonal imbalances and sports injuries.
Acupuncture is painless, relaxing and has little to no side effects. Our clients have reported not only health related improvements, but also psychological benefits after the first treatment session.
At HLP-Therapy, you will receive outstanding acupuncture treatment. Our in-depth initial consultation will allow us to identify your needs and requirements. From here, you will be able to relax in comfort, while specific points are used to help with your symptoms.
To find out if acupuncture could help you, get in touch with HLP-Therapy today.
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About Hannah Poulton I’ve travelled the world but made my home in Leicester. I am a Physiotherapist, Scar Therapist, Acupuncturist & Mummy MOT practitioner. I am wholly passionate & dedicated to helping my clients on their journey to recovery. I own HLP Therapy, a safe place for clients to be heard and receive a gold standard of care. I’ve amalgamated my past 20 years’ experience to provide an exceptional service |
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I always ask my clients to be well hydrated and wear loose fitting clothes. It’s helpful to be able to relax during treatment too.
Yes you should be able to. I would always check with your GP first though
Hello! Do I need to prepare for the procedure? If so, how?
Hey! Can I try this one if I have nerve problems?
I would always check with their GP first and it all depends if it’s well controlled or not
Sorry for my late reply. It all depends what you’re having it for. Majority of my clients who are using it for migraines, after the first couple of sessions feel the benefit.
Hi! I want my parents to try acupuncture and I was wondering if it’s safe for people with type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure?
How often do I need to go to get a result?