144 Strand DNA Activation

144 Strand DNA Activation

healing session

The 144 Strand DNA Activation is a pure love vibration channeled from Source energy and brought to the Earth at this time as a DNA Activation tool for the new Divine Human Template. This transformative tool is a vital step in the human ascension process. As the human shifts in energy along with Mother Earth, new chakra systems are being formed within the human body in order to accommodate this new energy flow. Even those who have already begun their ascension process will find a more rapid and complete transition upon receiving the 144 Strand DNA Activation.


144 strand DNA activation
Clears energetic blockages
Balances the current chakra system
Facilitates the transition to the new chakra patterns
Connects you to the new Mother Earth grid
Balancing of the Divine Feminine/Masculine energies
Receive a new High Dimensional personal ascension guide
Receive and hold more Light in your physical body
Increased self-love and self-trust
Release old patterns and limiting beliefs
More easily access sacred knowledge within oneself
Aligns you to your spiritual path for this life time
Greater awareness and expanded consciousness
Creates a stronger immune system
Develop your intuitive abilities
Increased vitality and desire for healthy foods
Unlocks new spiritual talents and abilities

The 144 Strand DNA Activation creates a pure state of being. Once activated, one will more easily find their direct, conscious connection with Divine Source and other high level Light Beings.

The 144 Strand DNA Activation is performed long distance at a specific time when the recipient will simply lay down and relax. The activation process itself will take about 30 minutes. Allow at least an extra hour after the activation to allow yourself to just "be" as the 144 Strand DNA Activation energy is powerful. Most people report simultaneously being very "grounded" and "off in the ethers" as well as experiencing extreme calm, relaxation and feeling very loved. It is not uncommon for those who have been activated to actually appear pleasantly "stoned" for a couple of hours, so driving a car or other similar activity is not recommended.

The 144 Strand DNA Activation enables you to more fully expand your creative, physical and spiritual potential. Among other things, a 144 strand DNA activation can give you the tools to access your subconscious mind, connect with and develop your intuitive abilities and Gifts of Spirit.

May I be activated more than once if I wish?
Yes. There is no harm in re-activation if one wishes. While in theory, all you need is one activation, there can be instances where a person may find themselves in prolonged situations where they are exposed to things such as elevated radiation levels which can have a negative effect upon the DNA. These people may wish to re-activate if they feel guided to do so, but this is usually not necessary.

Certificate issued.
I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a DNA facilitator.
Please note that the location does not matter as it is a distant energy session.
A practitioner training course is also available if you wish to learn how to perform this DNA Activation on others.

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I am here in service of the light as a lightworker and DNA activator. I offer many types of high frequency healing sessions as well as practitioner training courses. I also sing unique light language.

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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Feb 18, 2025, 14:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Feb 18, 2025, 14:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Feb 18, 2025, 14:00
United Kingdom
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Feb 18, 2025, 14:00
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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