Worry is using your energy in the exact opposite way of what you want to #manifest.
Worry is using your energy to create more of what you don't want. It's like working against yourself instead of with yourself. Every time you have a worry thought, it's like you're watering ‘’the seed of that worry’’ and giving it permission to grow. The more you worry, the more you're affirming that there's something to worry about and the universe will respond by giving you more things to worry about.
It's a never-ending cycle unless you break it. And the only way to break it is by using your energy to believe instead of worry. Every time you have a belief thought, it's like you're watering the seed of that belief and giving it permission to grow. The more you believe, the more you're affirming that what you want is possible and the universe will respond by giving you more things to believe in.
Don't use your energy to worry. Use your energy to #believe! When you do, you will begin to see #PositiveChanges in your life that you never thought possible. Your #IntuitiveAbilities are awakening within you right now. So, trust them and start putting your energy into creating the life you want! It's time for you to believe and create the best life!


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