Mihaela Gordan

Mihaela is a mother of three wonderful boys(her motivation). ***Her passion is to empower others to connect with their inner power and to awaken their potential by breaking through their comfort zone so they can live a wonderful life in divine abundance!*…
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Expert in the fields:Awakening/Spiritual Healing/Personal Development Coaching/Mindfulness/Relationship Coaching
19 years of practice
On Core Spirit since March 2021
Downsell Rd, London E15 2BS, UK
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Our life is arranged in such a way that we become better, wiser, more experienced when we learn to overcome life's obstacles, analyze our failures and try again. Life is harsh, but our best teacher that we have ever had and will have!

When something is taken away from us, it's natural to feel upset, frustrated, and even angry. We may feel like we've lost something precious and that our life is now somehow incomplete. But it's important to remember that loss is often a gift in disguise.

Think about it – if we never lost anything, we'd never know what it was like to appreciate what we have. Loss teaches us to cherish the things we have, and it helps us to grow into the person we're meant to be. It may not be easy, but we need to accept loss as part of life and have faith that everything happens for a reason.

No matter what happens, always remember that you are where you are meant to be. Have faith in the journey you are on and everything will work out in the end.


Mihaela Gordan
Theta healing Basic DNA Online Course
Personal Development Coaching
Mihaela Gordan
Mar 15, 2025, 12:00
Theta Healing Session

I agree with you! Fear and doubt are our main enemies on the way to success. All this is part of the chaos that prevents our consciousness from concentrating, gathering its strength and starting to act.
To defeat fears and doubts, we must give battle to ourselves, defeat ourselves. This will open up an opportunity for us to begin our path to success!


It's natural to feel afraid when we're taking a step towards our dreams.
Our comfort zone is what's familiar to us, and venturing into the unknown can be scary.
However, it's important to remember that fear is just a feeling. It doesn't have to control us.
We can choose to face our fears and take action anyway.
It might not be easy, but it's always worth it to pursue our dreams.
Whenever we take a step towards them, we're also taking a step towards courage and self-belief.
So don't let your fear hold you back.
Follow your heart and go after what you want. You might just surprise yourself at what you're capable of achieving.



Worry is using your energy in the exact opposite way of what you want to #manifest.
Worry is using your energy to create more of what you don't want. It's like working against yourself instead of with yourself. Every time you have a worry thought, it's like you're watering ‘’the seed of that worry’’ and giving it permission to grow. The more you worry, the more you're affirming that there's something to worry about and the universe will respond by giving you more things to worry about.
It's a never-ending cycle unless you break it. And the only way to break it is by using your energy to believe instead of worry. Every time you have a belief thought, it's like you're watering the seed of that belief and giving it permission to grow. The more you believe, the more you're affirming that what you want is possible and the universe will respond by giving you more things to believe in.
Don't use your energy to worry. Use your energy to #believe! When you do, you will begin to see #PositiveChanges in your life that you never thought possible. Your #IntuitiveAbilities are awakening within you right now. So, trust them and start putting your energy into creating the life you want! It's time for you to believe and create the best life!


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New article 10 ways to make your relationship reliable to last through difficult times already available! Read it now

New article The One Best Thing Which Changed "Impossible" Into "I'm Possible" already available! Read it now

New event Theta healing Basic DNA Online Course already available! Book it now