
Concern filter


Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
AI vs. MD: Should Patients Trust AI-Assisted Doctors
AI technology is rapidly becoming integral to the medical field, allowing doctors to quickly find relevant information from patient interactions and summarize it in electronic medical records within seconds. AI is already playing a role in 30% of medical …
By registered users: 18
Health Psychology
Rayan Potter
The Power of Medical Data Annotation
Medical images like X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, etc. are used to diagnose a patient’s health issues. Computer programes trained on annotated data of these images can also read these images and aid in diagnosis. Medical data annotation involves adding s…
By registered users: 10
Social Psychology
Demi Powell
The Fascinating Tradition of Black Teeth in Japan: Ohaguro
In Japan’s rich tapestry of cultural and historical practices, ohaguro, or the custom of blackening teeth, stands out as one of the most intriguing and misunderstood traditions. While this practice might seem unusual to modern observers, it holds deep cul…
By registered users: 32
Relationship Coaching
Alexander Brosda
The Subconscious Mind and the Synchronicity of Twin Flames: Exploring Simulpathity, Emotional Empathy, and Love's Hidden GPS
The subconscious mind operates as a vast, unseen navigator, orchestrating connections that often transcend physical proximity and logical explanation. Its capabilities extend far beyond the conscious mind, burrowing into realms of emotion, intuition, and …
By registered users: 7
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Delhi's Air Pollution Crisis: The Growing Economic Toll of Stubble Burning
As of now, Delhi’s Air Quality Index (AQI) stands at 500, placing it in the “severe plus” category. This reflects the city’s ongoing and severe air pollution problem in recent years. This high AQI indicates dangerously high levels of particulate matter (P…
By registered users: 10
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
I Received a Valuable Gift
I have often mentioned that I am an ardent bike rider. I am a solid B- rider. On average, I ride about 150 miles a week. In warmer weather, the local bike club I belong sponsors a Tuesday night ride. It is rated an A ride. It leaves promptly at 6:00 pm. I…
By registered users: 14
Cognitive Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Security vs Privacy: A Comprehensive Exploration
Introduction The debate between security and privacy has never been more urgent than in today’s digital age. As technology advances, the intersection of human lives and digital ecosystems becomes more intertwined. On one side, we have security—a necessit…
By registered users: 15
Relationship Coaching
Ethereal Fai
How Relationships Can Be Our Mirrors: Part I
How do you feel being told that each relationship you have may be a mirror in some way? The subject of relating and relationships has become more of an interesting phenomenon to study as understanding of it increases. A concept in the study of relationsh…
By registered users: 9
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
It's Not Free
A few weeks ago, I participated in a plant medicine ceremony. I took six grams of psilocybin, enough to be considered a heroic dose. I’ve written about my experience using hallucinogens in several of my blogs. It is something I’ve engaged in over the past…
By registered users: 13
Pet Counselling
Jyoti Chandra
Shih Tzu Puppies: Your Guide to Joyful Companionship
If you’re looking for a loyal and affectionate companion, Shih Tzu puppies may be just what you need. Known for their friendly personalities and charming appearance, these little furballs have captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide. In this guide, we…
By registered users: 11
Social Psychology
Luna Phoenix Camille
Exploring the Influence of Media on Sexuality and Society
Throughout history, our society has been shaped by various cultural norms, values, and beliefs, especially when it comes to sexuality. With the rise of the media and its widespread influence, discussions about sexual exploration have become more open, yet…
By registered users: 2
Social Psychology
Exactly What to Say: Unleashing the Power of Language
Language is one of the most powerful tools we possess. It has the capacity to influence, persuade, connect, and transform. In this article, we’ll dive into the art of mastering magic words by exploring the topic of Exactly What to Say. By uncovering the s…
By registered users: 10
Relationship Coaching
Alexander Brosda
Twin Flames: The Sacred Dance of the Soul
In the world of spirituality, few topics stir the soul and ignite curiosity as much as the concept of Twin Flames. These powerful, intense connections go beyond the standard definitions of relationships and reach into the spiritual core of our beings. But…
By registered users: 21
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Why Does India Face a Persistent Crisis of Sexual Violence Against Women
Sexual crimes against women persist in India, despite stringent laws and the establishment of fast-track courts to expedite case adjudication and deliver verdicts. Unfortunately, rape has evolved into a more violent and aggressive crime, resembling gangst…
By registered users: 20
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
Us Against Them
I need to preface this blog with a disclaimer. I need to be categorical when I say I am not religious. I have absolutely no religious affiliation. I am, however, a deeply spiritual person. My blog posts share my observations based solely on my life experi…
By registered users: 19
Social Psychology
Dr Sannjay
Essential Skills for Growth in Business and Daily Life
Imagine you’re at a bustling marketplace, surrounded by vibrant colors and the hum of negotiation. A vendor, eager to sell his handmade crafts, engages you in a lively bargaining session. Through skilled negotiation and subtle use of reverse psychology, h…
By registered users: 11
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
The Rise In Custodial Deaths And Police Brutality In India Has Become A Human Rights Violation Issue
Bribery is rampant across various departments, including the police force. Officers often demand bribes from victims’ families to secure their release, but even then, there’s no guarantee that the victim will survive judicial custody. The rising number of…
By registered users: 13
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Healthcare Challenges for India’s LGBTQ+ Community: Legal Advances and Persistent Barriers
According to the 2011 census, there are approximately 4.88 lakh transgender people in India. Despite this substantial number, transgender individuals often face stigmatization in the healthcare sector and other aspects of their lives. LGBTQIA+ healthcare…
By registered users: 13
Family Psychology
Luna Phoenix Camille
Your Family and Society - Their Fault You Stay The Same
I am practicing Abraham Hicks’ teachings and applying Joe Dispenza’s teachings to my everyday situations. I am learning so much. I am learning to change my thought patterns so that I can change my reality; your thoughts and feelings create your reality. B…
By registered users: 7
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
GLOBAL WASTE TRADE: the dark side of the hazardous garbage business
Toxic and hazardous wastes are often sold by developed countries to poorer developing countries. This practice is known as the global waste trade. Wealthy nations are basically exporting their problem to poor countries mainly in African and Asian regions,…
By registered users: 16
Educational Psychology
Archana Ms.
The Path To Global Compassion: World Refugee Day And The Challenges Ahead
World Refugee Day, observed annually on June 20, centers around the theme of ‘Solidarity with Refugees.’ This day serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for global unity and collaboration in addressing the refugee crisis. Factors like political…
By registered users: 22
Life Coaching
Teresiah Malatji
Create & Live A fulfilling life
What is a fulfilling life? A fulfilling life is a life that makes us feel happy, satisfied, comfortable and content. Beyond happiness, a fulfilling life is a life worth living. It is an exciting life full of purpose that we cannot wait to fulfil on daily…
By registered users: 5
Life Coaching
Gary Merel
Waiting to Find Out
It’s been almost one year since I underwent a colectomy to remove a cancerous tumor. The surgeon removed 14 inches of my colon and pronounced me “cured.” The initial diagnosis was stage one cancer. That diagnosis saved me from further treatment. No chemo.…
By registered users: 16
Social Psychology
Archana Ms.
Paid Menstrual Leaves: How Far Is India To Having A Law On This Issue
Despite the fact that menstruation is an essential part of a woman’s overall health, we cannot ignore the emotional and physical challenges she faces during this time. These challenges can range from discomfort to serious health issues. Approximately 40% …
By registered users: 15