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Yoga asana for Root Chakra

Aug 2, 2020
Core Spirit member since Jul 11, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

Chakras and Aasana-

Episode 1

Root Chakra and yoga poses for that

Chakra 1 - Root Chakra/MULADHARA

Colour- Red

Mantra- Laang

Element- Earth

Location- Muladhara Chakra or swirling red energy spins around lower back and tailbone.


The root chakra provides the foundation on which we build our life. It supports us in growing and feeling safe into exploring all the aspects of life. It is related to our feeling of safety and security, whether it’s physical or regarding our bodily needs or metaphorical regarding housing and financial safety. To sum it up, the first chakra questions are around the idea of survival and safety. The root chakra is where we ground ourselves into the earth and anchor our energy into the manifest world. That’s where everything begins, roots and grows.

Here are some yoga Poses to balance and Strengthen Root Chakra

First set an intention and connect yourself with the ground,be comfortable

These are some of the Yoga poses to try to strengthen

Pose 1 Malasana variations

Malasana is a grounding aasana done sitting on the floor,it helps is connection to Root Chakra and firming the foundation of your well-being.

Balancing and grounding yourself

Pose 2 Parvatasana or Mountain pose or Downward Dog also can be done for better understanding your firmness and grounding attitude,it strengthens your earth elements.

Pose 3 Uttanasana or any hasta padasana variation to affix and improve your rooting.

Pose 4 Janushirshasana and it’s variation like pashchimottasana

Any pose that grounds you firmly close to earth.

Shalini Pillai

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