<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, April 2021 | Core Spirit

TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, April 2021

Apr 28, 2021
Core Spirit Ratings
Core Spirit member since Mar 16, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

We score our practitioners according to their activity: including published articles, added services and events for #corespirit. The best (most active) practitioners of this month are:

1. Сertified therapist Kimberley Parker can help you with Relationships, Career, Addiction, Stress, Grief & Bereavement even Anger & Fear Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.


2. Spiritual Life Coach & Shamanic Life Coach Dianne Keast helps people overcome challenges like negative self-talk & anxiety & move forward in life.


  1. Reiki and meditation teacher Jordi Ibern Novell has more than 20 years of experience. His sessions help to take care of your spirit, be gentle with your body and nourish your mind.


  1. Sport Massage Therapist Nikki has 3 years of experience working with elite athletes, sports professionals and individuals with different types of injuries. She offers a variety of treatments suitable for amateurs and professional sports people, office workers, musicians, dancers, etc.


5. Corry Lang is a health coach and nutritional therapist. She teaches others how to remove emotional and subconscious blocks in all areas of their lives and to detoxify and regenerate your organs.


If you want to be included in the list, register as a practitioner, add your services, write articles and let’s meet on the next list!

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