Taking the Guesswork out of Meditation

Taking the Guesswork out of Meditation

A wonderful way to balance your chakras is through meditation. There is no right or wrong way to meditate. The practice of meditation is unique, sacred, it is a personal journey and different for eveyone. It is a way to go inward to connect to yourself, to connect the Universe and to be present in the moment. Meditation comes in many forms, for some it is about sitting on a meditation pillow, doing a sound bath, chanting, it can also mean going outside for a walk, doing yoga, even playing with your children or grandchildren, spending time with your pet, listening to a guided meditation or a sound in the room and letting your mind go quite these are just some examples of the many ways people meditate.

Your meditatation can be as long or as short as you want. You can meditate one a day, once a week or some where in between. There are no rules just follow your heart. You can even change your meditation practice. Anyone at any age can start a meditation practice. Be gentle with yourself, meditation is supposed to be calming. It is about self care and self love about slowing down and having fun.

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Afsheen Shah3y ago

I love the reminder that meditation is a personal experience and there is no right way to do it!