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Ruby Flames
Getting Into The Magical Mindset
Introduction Whenever you practice any form of magic for meditation, spellcasting, rituals, energy work, and the like getting your mind to quiet down from the mundane state (also known as the conscious mind) is crucial in order to get the most out of you…
By registered users: 38
Ruby Flames
The Power Of Dragon's Breath
Working With Dragon’s Breath Dragons are a force to be reckoned with, they are associated with the five elements of the physical plane, as well as the astral one. These beings are commonly associated with protection, wisdom, heightened awareness and dest…
By registered users: 32
Demi Powell
"Witches, Druids and King Arthur" by Ronald Hutton
In the first few pages of this book, we learn that the “traditional” Scots kilt was invented by an Englishman in the 1730s, the first “ancient” clan tartans by two English brothers in 1822, and that the Welsh female national costume was invented by an Eng…
By registered users: 21
Rob Hardy
What is a Witch?
A Witch is someone with wisdom and knowledge of the natural world around them, and the energies contained within it. They would follow the pattern of the seasons and all that entails. They would have an appreciation and understanding on subjects li…
By registered users: 12
Demi Powell
Ancient Spell Scrolls Found in Europe
Extremely rare curse tablets made of gold and silver instead of the usual lead have been unearthed at the ancient site of Viminacium in Serbia, about 60 miles east of Belgrade. Archaeologists were excavating land adjacent to power plant before constructio…
By registered users: 12
Demi Powell
A Story about an Astronomer and a Witch
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) is one of the world’s most famous astronomers. He defended Copernicus’s sun-centred universe and discovered that planets move in ellipses. A planet, NASA mission and planet-hunting spacecraft are named after him. Yet in recent…
By registered users: 6
Norma Rhodes
Spiritual Ancestors as Heroes
Recently I’ve had a very unpleasant experience arguing with an occult pundit (Nick Farrell) who basically called me a naïve fool because I honor my spiritual ancestors and treat them as heroes. Because I celebrate and honor my spiritual ancestors and trea…
By registered users: 18
Marian Yates
Inside the Mysterious World of Witch Tattoo Art
Noel’le Longhaul – one of the world’s first ‘witch tattoo artists’ – has mystified Instagram with her primeval creations The best word to describe Noel’le Longhaul’s tattoos is “primeval.” Even when freshly inked and uploaded onto her Instagram, they loo…
By registered users: 32
Emma Wood
Why Are Lemons Used In Black Magic?
People often say everything is fair in love and war. This is not just a saying; it is a statement that gives birth to many evil activities that people often justify in the light of this saying. Whenever people suffer from any type of problems in their per…
By registered users: 196
Emma Wood
Scottish Witchcraft Book Published Online
The pages of a 350-year-old book used to record the names of those accused of witchcraft in Scotland have been published online. The Names of Witches in Scotland, 1658 collection, was drawn up during a time when the persecution of supposed witches was ri…
By registered users: 74
Emma Wood
Hutton and the Writing of Witchcraft History
No - this article is not about UFOs or Fox Mulder! It is instead about the recent article written by Ronald Hutton in the latest issue of “The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies.” That article is entitled “Writing the History of Witch…
By registered users: 58
Emma Wood
Questions About the del Bosco Sacro of Benevento Strega Family
Recently there has been some questions posed by individuals both outside and inside the Strega tradition about the new family that has arrived to the U.S. from Italy, which calls itself the del Bosco Sacro of the Benevento. Since I personally know the ind…
By registered users: 22
Emma Wood
The Witch’s Ointment: The Secret History of Psychedelic Magic
Rarely does a book about pagan history rise to the level of a scholarly work that is simultaneously readable and meticulously researched. The Witch’s Ointment is both. Packed with rich details on the history of the elusive, mysterious, infamous use of fl…
By registered users: 14
Emma Wood
Kitchen Witchcraft: Crafts of a Kitchen Witch
The phrase ‘Kitchen Witchcraft’ conjures up brewing potions and hanging herbs, and while this of course can be the case, the experienced witch knows the kitchen can be the beating heart of their home, where the material and the mystical meld to create mag…
By registered users: 18
Emma Wood
Famous Witch: Angéle de la Barthe (c.1230 - 1275)
Angéle de la Barthe was a prosperous woman of Toulouse, France, who was supposedly tried for witchcraft and condemned to death by the Inquisition in 1275. She has been popularly portrayed as the first person to be put to death for heretical sorcery during…
By registered users: 90
Emma Wood
Witchcraft: Remembering Michael Bertiaux
It was back in the summer of 1977 on a sweltering Sunday afternoon in Chicago that I got to meet the notorious Michael Bertiaux. I had traveled with my teacher and High Priest, Christopher Syn (Bill Schnoebelen) and selected members of our group from Milw…
By registered users: 424
Emma Wood
CEREMONIAL magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulæ. A magician, enveloped in sanctified vestments and carrying a wand inscribed with hieroglyphic figures, could by the power vested in cer…
By registered users: 31
Emma Wood
Most Important Lesson in Magick and Witchcraft
Once a student has mastered the basic regimen of practicing meditation, casting a magic circle, undergoing trance, raising power for basic kinds of workings and performing the simple liturgies for Sabbats and Esbats, then the next and most important step …
By registered users: 28
Emma Wood
How the Power of Witchcraft Gripped 70s Britain
In modern society, we’re totally past burning people at the stake, or dunking women in the town lake because our crops died. The tendrils of witchcraft have found their way into contemporary fashion, zine culture and sharp-tongued 90s rom-coms. Not that t…
By registered users: 12
Emma Wood
THE IDEA OF THE KITCHEN WITCH The kitchen is well-known as the spiritual centre of the house, and where all the best parties end up in. Food sustains us. Food can give us warmth, happiness and a even a pinch of magic too. Although superficially mundane, …
By registered users: 31
Marian Yates
Austin Osman Spare and the Zos Kia Cultus
H.P. Lovecraft, in one of his tales of terror, alludes to certain entities which have their being “not in the spaces known to us, but between them. They walk calm and primal, of no dimensions, and to us unseen.” This aptly describes Austin Osman Spare. T…
By registered users: 81