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Angel Healing
Dr Sannjay
A Sacred Journey Through the Mystical and Cosmic Power of the Divine Feminine
In the ancient scriptures and mysticism, the divine feminine energy holds a profound position. Among her many forms, the Navadurga stands as a beacon of transformation, protection, and empowerment. Navadurga, literally meaning “Nine Forms of Durga,” repre…
By registered users: 6
Angel Healing
Michele Zirkle
Signs from Heaven
The sound of Heaven may be just a whisper away, but how do you know your angels and guides are near if you don’t see or hear them like you do a human or your trusty smartphone app? Same way you know the sun helped the lilac bush to bloom — you see it bloo…
By registered users: 9
Angel Healing
Wisdom Realms
How your guardian angel warns you about danger or trouble?
Now, there are times when your guardian angels will warn you when something is about to happen. You will feel that feeling in the pit of your stomach not to go somewhere, not to do something, not to trust a certain person, that is a big one too. So, angel…
By registered users: 15
Angel Healing
Wisdom Realms
How your guardian angel communicates with you?
When your fears and anxieties take over tell you not to do something, don’t open your heart back again, you are not good enough to do that job, when you fears take over and say you are never going to have a life like that, when your anxiety creeps in and …
By registered users: 21
Angel Healing
Wisdom Realms
What is the role of your guardian angel in your life?
Your guardian angels have come into your life in many different ways. Sometimes people think of guardian angel as being that saves you from the train that is about to hit, that pulls you from the car crash before you die, that divinely intervenes and save…
By registered users: 11
Angel Healing
Melissa Watkins
May 14, 2021 We all have those hurts that are held on to in our thoughts and heart. For some of us, we can not get away from the recurring thoughts that play over and over again in our minds. We call them the woulda, coulda, shouldas… We could of done th…
By registered users: 12
Angel Healing
Tammy Russell
Heal Yourself First
You can’t incessantly be drained by people, with endless giving and still expect to heal others. It doesn’t work that way. If you want to be better at what you do, you have to take care of yourself first. Love comes with healing so love yourself best. Wit…
By registered users: 13
Angel Healing
Ted Kostek
There are fifteen archangels. Each of them has a special job in assisting humans. Archangels are also associated with each chakra, although there is much disagreement, according to various sources, regarding which archangel aids each particular chakra. So…
By registered users: 17
Angel Healing
GAP/Portal days
Portal or GAP (Galactic Activation Portal) days are the days when one or more portals in the universe are opening. This can be a bigger or smaller portal. The biggest portal known is the Lionsgate Portal on the 08. August. The Portal days can make you f…
By registered users: 109
Angel Healing
Wilma Burns
Angelic Reiki - A New Healing for our Time?
About Angels Belief in angels has formed part of Humanity’s spiritual quest down through the ages, and references to angels can be found in every religion, every culture. The Angelic Kingdom is said to have been created as part of an earlier evolution o…
By registered users: 12
Angel Healing
Wilma Burns
How To Get Help From Angels
There are so many angels out there in our amazing universe. Some archangels are better known than others and that’s cool because as far as the angels are concerned there is no competition, and all can be of great help for both spiritual growth and support…
By registered users: 9
Angel Healing
Tammy Russell
Intuitive Reiki Healing for gut healing, weight loss, depression/anxiety and chronic disease
Having been an integrative health care practitioner for the last decade, I see the epidemic gut problems and obesity continue to spiral out of control. Drawn out of a fixed pattern of using only supplements and a restrictive diet to help people with these…
By registered users: 3