Yearly Numerology Forecast

Yearly Numerology Forecast


Get a General Personal Year Cycle Reading for the year of your choice. Typically it is the year coming up, 2022 for example, or the current year, 2021 in this case.

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My name is Clifford Eberhardt. I am a Numerologist, Astrologer, and Tarot reader. I recieved a Bachelor's of Arts in Mathematics and Psychology from Kenyon College in Gambier, OH. I have been studying the spiritual science for about 10 years. I have done …

Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Life Path & Destiny Number Reading
I will provide you a reading of your Life Path Number and Destiny Number which are 2 of the most important numbers in your numerology chart. The Life Path Number is based on your date of birth and tells you about the trajectory of your life in this incar…
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Basic Life Path Reading
I will tell you the basics of your life path number which describes your trajectory in life in the study of numerology. What you will learn from this reading is as follows: The Pros and Cons of your particular life path number The best type of Careers f…
Tarot Reading
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Personal Tarot Card of the Year Reading
I will show you the Tarot card governing a specific year of your choice and give you advice and consuling on the benefits and challenges assoicated with the card governing the given year. All I need to know is your birthday and the given year you wish to …
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Full Year Forecast with Month by Month Breakdown
I will provide you a Full Year Numerology Forecast reading for the given year of your choice with a breakdown forecast of each month.
Other Divinations
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
I Ching Reading 1 question
I will cast the I Ching for any one question you have. The cost is $10 USD per question. The I Ching is an ancient system of Chinese Divination that is very accurate and enlightening.
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Yearly Numerology Forecast
Get a General Personal Year Cycle Reading for the year of your choice. Typically it is the year coming up, 2022 for example, or the current year, 2021 in this case.
Natal Astrology
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Natal Chart Reading
Basic Natal Chart Reading for $45 USD. You will be given an basic interpretation of your Natal Chart. Information that will be included is as follows: Interpretation of Your Sun Sign Interpretation of Your Moon Sign Interpretation of Your Rising Sign …
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Full Life Path Reading with Period Cycle Readings
I will provide you a full life path reading going over all 3 main periods of your life path. You will learn: What you life path number is and what it means you were meant to learn and perfect in this life time. What your 3 periods cycles are and at wha…
Tarot Reading
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
Numerology + Tarot Yearly Forecast
This is combined numerology and tarot reading. I will tell you about the personal year cycle you will go through for a given year of your choice and I will tell you about the specific Tarot card associated with that year. The cost is $22 USD.
Clifford Mahdi Eberhardt
Dec 24, 2024, 15:00
5 Core Number Numerology Reading
I will provide you a reading of your 5 core numbers in your numerology chart. The reading will include: A reading of your life path number which describes your trajectory in life. A reading of your destiny number which describes your natural talents and…

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