Unity Field Healing Session 3 - Re-Calibrate the Energy System & Targeted Intent

Unity Field Healing Session 3 - Re-Calibrate the Energy System & Targeted Intent

healing session
$60 USD
$60 USD

Unity Field Healing Session 3 - Re-Calibrate the Energy System & Targeted Intention from the Sirian Blue White Collective - Sirius Starseed Healing
Prerequisites: sessions 1 & 2.
You can always repeat session 3 as many times as you would like with different targeted intentions for healing.

Today, many people like you are aware of the power to heal through energy and growth in consciousness. Most forms of Energy Medicine or Vibrational Healing that we are familiar with are based on the channeling of universal energy, or designed to release restrictions or blockages in the human energy bodies. Unity Field Healing (HFH) is no exception to this paradigm – but it is remarkably different as you will discover! It is an evolutionary program that is designed to support healing and bio-spiritual transformation through the axis of your Quantum or Spiritual DNA.

Your quantum DNA can be thought of as a field of information that is intimately connected to your physical DNA. As a field of information, it is an invisible part of your DNA system – for we are not yet able to view quantum energy in the “3D” world. We are however able to feel and sense this energy – and certainly feel the effect of changes in this energy – as you will experience in Unity Field Healing! The Quantum element of your DNA originates from the internal creative space of your spiritual nature or being. You can imagine it as an energetic connection to your Higher Spiritual Self. As you will discover here in your exploration – it is a vast inter-dimensional field of information that governs your life in mystical ways. In this field – there is information about all elements of your life, your healing and well being – and even your soul’s journey through time!

This is a 3-step process and must be taken in the order.

Session 1: Session 1 works to bridge and strengthen the alignment with your own quantum DNA axis and spiritual DNA blueprint.
Session 2: Interdimensional Light Pattern Attunement in the Unity Field Healing – Template Attunement. This provides the foundation needed to begin working more personally in Session 3.
Session 3: Re-Calibrate the Energy System & Targeted Intentional Support. Session 3 provides an energy session that is aligned with a specific “personal intention”. It is purposed to use the gift of Unity Field Healing to address specific issues that exist or arise in one’s life that need “healing” attention. These ‘intentions’ may include physical, emotional, psychological or relationship issues in terms of healing. It can also include themes of expansion as one journeys along the road of deeper personal healing and transformation. It is the way the energy system is used to address highly specific and personal issues that are unique to each person and may be re-used any number of times to deep support around the intention or to introduce a new intention as the foundation of the session!

If you are truly ready move into the life you desire, to let go of the beliefs and limitations you’ve been holding on to, courageously allow your conscious and subconscious beliefs to be revealed, and released - then this is for you! The power of UFH can not only help heal your physical and emotional issues, but it can help you create anything new in your life, and change situations that you didn’t think could budge. More quickly that you can imagine, you will wake up happier and living the life you have been wanting for years.

I personally work on you for 1 hour as a Unity Field Healing Practitioner via long distance.
Prerequisites: session 1 & 2.
All 3 sessions can be repeated again as the Quantum field evolves.
Session 3 included.
You can always repeat session 3 as many times as you would like with different targeted intentions for healing.
The session can be run in your sleep or we set a time in the day where you are in a relaxed state to receive.

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I am here in service of the light as a lightworker and DNA activator. I offer many types of high frequency healing sessions as well as practitioner training courses. I enjoy making shamanic products such as mestanas, altar cloths, bags, zipper pouches, ties and archetype painted stones at an affordable cost. My sprays, oils and candles were gifted to me to offer ascension support.

On Core Spirit since August 2021

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