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Spiritual Healing

$30 USD
$30 USD

Healing requires no faith or belief whatsoever on the part of the person administering or receiving it. The only requirements that are helpful are that the patient should be aware of their own well-being and that they continue any medical treatment that has been prescribed for them by their GP. Healing in the UK is legally classed as a complementary or alternative therapy much in the same way as acupuncture and reflexology are. It is important for patients to know that healing cannot cause any harm or provide a cure, it assists with boosting the patient’s general well-being and the recovery process of an ailment, injury or disease. The healing energy comes from a universal divine source, which is commonly referred to as God, and is channelled through the therapist to the patient. The therapist does not create the energy, they open their mind and heart up to act as a conduit. Healing has, for hundreds of years been proven as beneficial to the millions of people who have received it.

Currently, all treatments are offered face to face in a Covid safe environment in a treatment room in Alton, Hampshire UK, or via Zoom/Absent healing if the client prefers.

Appointments are available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9am-1pm (UK Time Zone).

The modalities that I offer are Spiritual Healing (I’m an Accredited Spiritualist Healing Medium) and Atlantean Angel Healing. The treatment can be administered in one of the following three methods:

Contact Healing
Where the healer seeks permission to place their hands on the patient, while ensuring there is no cause for embarrassment.

Distant Healing
Where healing is sent by the power of thought to someone who is physically present but does not wish to have hands laid on them.

Absent Healing
Where the patient is not physically present in the room so the healer sends positive healing thoughts out to them through the power of the mind.
Price £20 for 15-20 minutes.

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Alton GU34, UK

Althea is a Greek girls name from the verb Wholesome, meaning ’to heal’. It is my gifted sacred spirit name. I am a Healer first and foremost and a practicing Psychic Medium, Coach, Mentor, Teacher. I work with humans and animals. All the work I do has an energy management focus to it and I particularly enjoy working with novices who are developing as a spiritual lightworker.

On Core Spirit since November 2020

Jan Morgan
May 7, 2024, 08:00
Psychic Medium Readings

Currently, all readings will be offered virtually.
Appointments are available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9am-1pm (UK Time Zone).
When we use the word Reading it means that the Psychic Medium will be reading your auric energy (Psychic) and/or linking into the energy of someone in spirit (Mediumship). Quite often a reading may start psychically and move into mediumship once a loved one in the Spirit world links energetically to the reader . In both Psychic work and Mediumship the ‘Clairs’ are used as tools. Clairvoyance (seeing), Claircognizance (knowing) and Clairsentience (feeling) are the most commonly used. Other tools such as tarot and oracle cards, photographs and holding a piece of jewellery may also be part of a psychic reading.
Each session is between 45-60 minutes long.

Spiritual Healing
Jan Morgan
May 7, 2024, 08:00
Alton GU34, UK
Spiritual Healing

Healing requires no faith or belief whatsoever on the part of the person administering or receiving it. The only requirements that are helpful are that the patient should be aware of their own well-being and that they continue any medical treatment that has been prescribed for them by their GP. Healing in the UK is legally classed as a complementary or alternative therapy much in the same way as acupuncture and reflexology are. It is important for patients to know that healing cannot cause any harm or provide a cure, it assists with boosting the patient’s general well-being and the recovery process of an ailment, injury or disease. The healing energy comes from a universal divine source, which is commonly referred to as God, and is channelled through the therapist to the patient. The therapist does not create the energy, they open their mind and heart up to act as a conduit. Healing has, for hundreds of years been proven as beneficial to the millions of people who have received it.

Currently, all treatments are offered face to face in a Covid safe environment in a treatment room in Alton, Hampshire UK, or via Zoom/Absent healing if the client prefers.

Appointments are available on Tuesday and Thursday mornings between 9am-1pm (UK Time Zone).

The modalities that I offer are Spiritual Healing (I’m an Accredited Spiritualist Healing Medium) and Atlantean Angel Healing. The treatment can be administered in one of the following three methods:

Contact Healing
Where the healer seeks permission to place their hands on the patient, while ensuring there is no cause for embarrassment.

Distant Healing
Where healing is sent by the power of thought to someone who is physically present but does not wish to have hands laid on them.

Absent Healing
Where the patient is not physically present in the room so the healer sends positive healing thoughts out to them through the power of the mind.
Price £20 for 15-20 minutes.

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Jan Morgan3y ago

Hi Sam, I would recommend you booking a consultation with your GP in the first instance so that they can offer you some advice and guidance on dealing with your depression, anxiety and fear. You can in the meantime self heal by setting some time aside somewhere quiet where you won’t be distracted or interrupted, play some calming music, place your hands on your Solar Plexis (just above your belly button), and take a few deep breaths to clear your mind. Let any thoughts come into your mind then intentionally allow them to leave without giving them any attention. Once you’ve found the quiet, state an intent that you wish to heal yourself of all that is causing you worry, to remove all negativities causing you to feel unwell and to replace the space in your mind and heart with only positive thoughts and divine healing energy. Then ask for your Healing Guide to channel healing energy through to you. Remain in the quiet for as long as you feel comfortable (15mins or so).

Sam Jones3y ago

I think I am facing depression, anxiety, fear. Fear of losing everything. What should I do.? I want to heal myself mentally and physically… I am 23 years old engineering graduate. How can I heal myself? I don’t want to do anything…

Spiritual Healing
Jan Morgan
May 7, 2024, 08:00
Alton GU34, UK
Spiritual Healing
Jan Morgan
May 7, 2024, 08:00
Psychic Medium Readings

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Day 2 : Sacral Chakra
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Day 3 : Solar Plexus Chakra
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Day 4 : Heart Chakra
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Day 5 : Throat Chakra
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Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
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Day 7 : Crown Chakra
This Chakra and energy is linked to spiritual awareness, presence of true mindfulness and universal unity. When in balance, we are open to knowledge and the wisdom of others and are living our best, most fulfilled, and peaceful life.


  • Video on various meditation postures and breathing techniques
  • Chakra Balancing Manual
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