An hour session intended to energetically give your body, mind and spirit just what it needs. Usui Reiki may be combined with Celtic and Crystal Reiki, and Shamanic work; it all depends on what I feel is needed at the time.
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About Christina Boisits-O'Keefe Merry Meet! I am the owner of The Ruby Tree, a metaphysical shop and healing space. I am an energy healer and clinical nutritionist. A session with me can include Reiki: Usui, Celtic and Crystal, shamanic practices, wellness coaching, and using oracle cards. I intuitively decide what is needed during sessions, and customize the session to my client. I have been in the wellness arena professionally since 2000, beginning with fitness and diet coaching, and found what I love to do...guiding people forward on their life journey with compassion. I have added degrees and certifications since, and evolve my practice as I evolve on my own journey. I believe we are here to encourage and lift one another up! |
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