Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that affects your physical, mental emotional and energetic body. Distance healing is as effective as in person when channeled with intent . I offer distance healing sessions over zoom or Skype. We first have an initial consultation to understand your isssue and I offer spiritual coaching and guidance besides providing various tools I have used on my journey of personal and spiritual growth. Followed by a healing session lasting 45 minutes
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About Uma Patil Hi! I love to share my skills, knowledge and various tools i have gained over the years of my journey to help you in improving health and well-being. I help people connect their mind, body and breath with the help of Yoga, Reiki Healing, hypnotherapy and spiritual coaching |
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Hi Michelle,
So sorry I am only seeing this message now. It is a virtual session for 1.5hrs, consisting of 45 minutes of spiritual coaching , followed by guided meditation and healing for 45 mins. Yes it does..can speak about number of sessions after the initial consultation. Hope this helps .
Thanks and regards
Hello! This is really exciting. I would like to know exactly how the session goes. Does your practice help to improve mental and physical health? If so, how many sessions are essential to start noticing the results? Thank you in advance :)