Psychic reading from professional clairvoyant

English, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian
$100 USD
$100 USD


You will get reading with professional clairvoyant. You will be able to ask anything and everything about your future.

Target audience

If you are looking for answers, what will happen in your future, you should get readings from me.


Knowing things about our future is great. We can prepare better for situations that are in front of us.


During session you will get answers on your deepest questions.


Just be calm down and relaxed.

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Provided By
Starše, 2205 Starše, Slovenia

In 2011 I need healing and lady who did this to me opened my channels to my guidance. I became clairvoyant and healer. I also got access to akashi records. I can see past lifes. I am doing healings with Gods power. I am also Law of Attraction teacher, long distance runner. I finished 24 hours cycling as my ultra achievement. One of my guidance is Nostradamus. World famous prophecier and healer.

On Core Spirit since January 2023

Emotional Stress Release
Sep 10, 2024, 22:00
Friendly chat for celebrities millionaires billionaires and others
This service is for people who need friendly chat, confidentiality is in first place. What you speak with me, stays with me. People who needs to speak about their problems and they do not want that others will know about them. Celebrities, millionaires,…
Spiritual Healing
Sep 10, 2024, 22:00
Energy healing session
Overview Distance energy healings session provides you with better vibes after healing. I will clean you with energy from God/Universe. All tensions and obsticals will go away. Feeling better is always my moto. After this session you will feel better. Mu…
Chakra Balancing
Sep 10, 2024, 22:00
Chakra cleaning
Overview I will do chakra healing for you. I will clean you inside and provide you with information, where were been your issues. When our chakras are dirty, we have problems in our lifes. And problems are connected with our dirty chakras. I am here to h…
Past Life Regression
Sep 10, 2024, 22:00
Past life regression
Overview In this session you will get answers, who you were been before this life time. Where you lived, what was been your occupation, who you were been connected with. In session I will provide you informations also about people who are now arround you…
Sep 10, 2024, 22:00
Psychic reading from professional clairvoyant
Overview You will get reading with professional clairvoyant. You will be able to ask anything and everything about your future. Target audience If you are looking for answers, what will happen in your future, you should get readings from me. Benefits …
Sep 10, 2024, 22:00
Psychic reading from professional clairvoyant
Overview You will get reading with professional clairvoyant. You will be able to ask anything and everything about your future. Target audience If you are looking for answers, what will happen in your future, you should get readings from me. Benefits …
Sep 10, 2024, 22:00
Psyhcic reading with professional clairvoyant
Overview You will get reading with professional clairvoyant. You will be able to ask anything and everything about your future. Target audience If you are looking for answers, what will happen in your future, you should get readings from me. Benefits …

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