Plasma Light Healing Session

Plasma Light Healing Session

healing session

The ‘Plasma Codes of Source’ are now available to you. These codes are high energy particles of light, with no resistance whatsoever. This in effect means, that nothing from any dimensional realm, can withstand the effect of this Light. All must surrender to its brilliance. The neutron particles within the Sun, must also give way to this Light. The Whole of Creation will surrender and form allegiance with the ‘Plasma Light.’ All laws can and will be revoked by this Light. All atomic and subatomic matter, will be changed and transformed by the light. This is the pure Light of ‘Source’, it is its Essence.

This healing uses specific codes. The codes will trigger powerful changes within the individual, at the atomic and subatomic level. Eventually it will become a Paradigm, a way of Being for All.

“As a rule, we have an atomic, genetic, and karmic memory, and we access this memory normally by what we identify with. If we develop a Cosmic Identity, we will have access to limitless information, and potential…” (Sadhguru).. However if we use the Plasma Light, this bypasses the need to develop a cosmic identity, at the individual level, and grants us direct access to the Divine Intelligence of ‘Source’, which does not operate from memory, and is therefore boundless…

The imprinting of these codes into your energy matrix, will return the matrix to its Essential Form. This is beyond the blueprint form, or template of Being. It is the starting point for All Life, the emergence of the Divine. In this state, it is impossible to suffer illnesses, or disease of any kind. Nothing can withstand this Light. All must return to Essence.

Please note that the location does not matter as it is a distant energy session.
Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a healing facilitator, via long distance.

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I am here in service of the light as a lightworker and DNA activator. I offer many types of high frequency healing sessions as well as practitioner training courses. I also sing unique light language.

Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
7 Gateways Activation Package - 7 sessions included
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Meredith Pavlidis
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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Meredith Pavlidis
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United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
Zenith Omega™ Pleiadian Healing Session Level 1 (6 clearings per session)
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
48 Strand DNA Avatar Activation (Prerequisite: 12, 24 & 36 Strand DNA Avatar..)
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
SilverStar Activation
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
Zenith Omega™ Pleiadian Healing Session Level 5 Package (all clearings of L5)
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Today, many people like you are aware of the power to heal through energy and growth in consciousness. Most forms of Energy Medicine or Vibrational Healing that we are familiar with are based on the channeling of universal energy, or designed to release …
Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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Spiritual Healing
Meredith Pavlidis
Mar 17, 2025, 13:00
United Kingdom
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