<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Past Life Regression Group Session | Core Spirit

Past Life Regression Group Session

$25 USD
$25 USD

Whether you believe in reincarnation or feel that what you experience in hypnosis is a metaphor created by the unconscious mind, Past Life Regression can bring profound healing and insight, as so many of my clients can attest. Come experience Past Life Regression Hypnosis in a group setting. In this way, you can have the regression experience for a fraction of the price of a one on one session. Though we won't be working individually, I will guide everyone through their experience, first into the past in this life, into the womb before birth, to the moment of birth, and then back to a past life. In the past life, we will ask your unconscious mind to show you something that will be pertinent to something you are dealing with in your current life.

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Kingston, NY 12401, USA

I have been a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Certified Sexological Bodyworker for about 5 years now. Initially, my business focused on assisting people with sexual issues as well as helping people enhance their erotic lives, no matter their age, health, physical challenges. As I have worked with more clients and taken referrals from them, I have expanded my focus in many directions. I've had tremendous success eliminating or ameliorating symptoms of chronic illness: Neurological Degenrative Dieases, Muscular Dystrophy, MS. I've also helped clients with PTSD, Past trauma, emotional issues, and blockages. For those so inclined, I have led people to explore past lives and its impact on ones current life. My background is in the arts, as an award winning artist and photographer, with artworks in museums and private collections worldwide. I have studied, taught, and competed in Japanese martial arts for 58 years and have had a regular Yoga practice for at least 15 years.

On Core Spirit since July 2021

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