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Mental Toughness Training

$350 USD
$350 USD

Discover, Develop & Deploy your Mental Toughness

Published research and case studies from around the world show that Mental Toughness is a major factor in:

  • Performance – explaining up to 25% of the variation in performance in individuals
  • Positive Behaviour – more engaged, more positive, more “can do”
  • Wellbeing – more contentment, better stress management, less prone to bullying
  • Aspirations – more ambitious, prepared to manage more risk

I have been an Accredited Trainer of the intrernationally recoginsed 8-factor model of Mental Toughness since 2008 and a Master Trainer since 2017

This one-to-one, on-line, live training session will enable you to fully understand what Mental Toughness is and how you can develop and deploy it in your day-to-day challenges.

Included in the session price is the opportunity to evaluate yourself against the benchmark MTQ+ Mental Toughness assessment, enabling you to pin-point where to focus your developmental actions.

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Provided By
Toulouse, France

I help people to discover, develop and deploy their full potential in order to succeed in the personal, organisational and societal transformations they are involved in

I describe my approach as "holistic", enabling people to integrate and unify their head, heart, body and soul

People describe me as a leading-edge thinker giving simple & practical advice, that helps to improve performance

On Core Spirit since October 2021

Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Eight habits of Mentally Tough people
They know what they control, they know what they can influence and they know what they can do nothing about. They do not spend their time “fighting windmills” wasting their energy where they have no impact. They consciously take into account their emotio…
Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Mental Toughness – part of the missing link?
If you are not sure what Mental Toughness is all about, you can take a look at some other articles I published previously here on Core Spirit: “Is Mental Toughness a fad?” and “Why developing your Mental Toughness is important” for example. I have been h…
Wellness Coaching
Bob Larcher
Everyday Mental Toughness — Part 1: Control
Developing Everyday Mental Toughness – Part 1: Control This is the first of four short articles concentrating on how to develop each of the four Mental Toughness “sub-components” I work with the model developed by Professor Peter Clough and Doug Strycha…
Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Is Mental Toughness a fad?
I hear a lot of people say, “oh Mental Toughness, another fad”. If it is a fad, then it is probably a fad that has been around since the dawn of time; those cave men and women who survived the sabre tooth tiger and freezing winters were (without knowing)…
Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Developing Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness is considered to be a mindset or attitude which determines, in some part, how effectively individuals perform when exposed to stressors, pressure and challenge …. irrespective of the prevailing situation. In this article I would like to …
Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Changing the image of Mental Toughness
If you ask people (as I do when starting Mental Toughness sessions) what “images” Mental Toughness conjures up, most people will say things like, “the SAS”, “the Navy Seals”, “sportspeople”, “mountaineers”, etc. If you search Mental Toughness on the web …
Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Measuring Mental Toughness
I come across a lot of people who are “globally” mentally tough but with “specific” issues or weaknesses; and it’s often the weakness that “let’s them down” in difficult situations. Mental Toughness is a “A personality trait which determines, in a large …
Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Mental Toughness and emotions
Mental Toughness often seems to be portrayed as something very masculine and all about having steely nerves, cold blooded calm and the emotions of plankton during the mating season. In fact images associated with articles on Mental Toughness are invariabl…
Personal Development Coaching
Bob Larcher
Everyday Mental Toughness – Part 4: Confidence
This is the fourth, and final, of four articles concentrating on how to develop each of the four Mental Toughness “sub-components” I work with the model developed by Professor Peter Clough and Doug Strycharczyk. In their model the four sub-components ar…
Developmental Psychology
Bob Larcher
Everyday Mental Toughness — Part 2: Commitment
This is the second of four short articles concentrating on how to develop each of the four Mental Toughness “sub-components” I work with model developed by Professor Peter Clough and Doug Strycharczyk. In their model the four sub-components are: Contro…

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