MEDITATION For relaxation to deep stages of Happiness and peace

coaching session
$40 USD
$40 USD


I Teach and help people over 20 years through meditation, spiritual practices, counselling and therapy to make better their minds, lives and come out of difficult situations

Target audience

I accept anybody and try to help them


Meditation is a bridge between external and your inner core, problem to solution.
And so many benefits mentally , physically and regarding your life and the people around you


You will be practicing in a safe, sacure, respected and friendly atmosphere.
sessions can be done as individual, group , even for broader audiences,participants


You can tell me about your self, what you seek, what are the difficulties
and we can have a discussion and start the practice

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After the innetial session unique practice sessions and work plans will be bbuilt for each studend

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Provided By
Colombo, Sri Lanka

I will be able to assist you in meditation-related work (esp.vipassana), Spiritual Counselling, Life Coaching (Spiritually) and Buddhist Tutoring.

I have been practising meditation for more than 20 years.Practised in many methods ,conditions, environments.Backed up by the knowledge of Abhidhamma and sutta (doctrine).
Teaching Since 2004.

I work honestly and hard to help to my highest capability.

On Core Spirit since October 2021

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