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Light Emanation & Path Guidance

healing session
$120 USD
$120 USD

One hour. This session brings to view and addresses the underlying conditioned experiences of the present life. 4 Levels of the whole life system are evaluated and energized through pure light transmission: intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual. I use many integrative services to compliment my practice. I give clients self healing techniques to produce movement in improving their lives. You are the active participant in shifting your life into a positive direction. It must move by your actions. We look at the core issue and then use a method Spiraling Out, to develop steps out of the system of negativity. Path Guidance Counseling is offered to produce change and movement for the future. Continued Path Guidance $80.00 one hour of counseling.

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68 Ocean Terrace, Long Branch, NJ 07740, USA

A Healing Arts Therapist, a visual and emotional intuitive since birth, naturally is able to energetically see conditions, illnesses, trauma that may have caused a condition or pattern. Denise is well studied practiced in woman’s spirituality, energy medicine, sound therapy and resonance. Advanced Regressionist, Master’s Degree in Holistic Health. 5 Elements, Qi Gong. Biofeedback Sequencing

On Core Spirit since May 2020

Spiritual Healing
Denise Hoagland
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
68 Ocean Terrace, Long Branch, NJ 07740, USA
Bio-Energy Healing of Ireland
Bio-Energy of Ireland $90 a single 60 minute session. Requires a package of 5 at $70 for a total of $350 for Protocol ​A practice of energetic movements in and around the aura and meridians to create a healing movement within your energetic field. This se…
Spiritual Healing
Denise Hoagland
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Light Emanation & Path Guidance
One hour. This session brings to view and addresses the underlying conditioned experiences of the present life. 4 Levels of the whole life system are evaluated and energized through pure light transmission: intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual.…
Spiritual Healing
Denise Hoagland
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
68 Ocean Terrace, Long Branch, NJ 07740, USA
Module Sessions
To continue you must have completed a Full Alinement session to have this session as it is a continuation of the process These sessions build upon strengthening the human energetic field continually while addressing somatic healing through parts therapy, …
Denise Hoagland
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Homeopathic Counseling for Spiritual &amp; Emotional Wellness Homeopathy is an energy medicine which heals on the level of “Like Cures Like” Consultations can be added on to other services and price would be prorated. Constitutional Remedy Analysis - $30…
Career Coaching
Denise Hoagland
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
68 Ocean Terrace, Long Branch, NJ 07740, USA
Intuitive/Empathic Counseling Child/Youth above 9, under 17
$80.00 per session for at least 3 month, every two weeks Counseling with a child on their awareness, empathy, perspective with tools and techniques on how to manage life as an empathic child. Management to stay attuned with your energetic field before re…
Spiritual Healing
Denise Hoagland
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Virtual Healing
15 Minutes of phone induction, followed by 45 minutes of healing light transmission, restoring renewal on a cellular (DNA) and soul level. And a 30 minute follow up phone call to confirm session transmission. Long-distance healing is supported by studies …
Spiritual Healing
Denise Hoagland
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
68 Ocean Terrace, Long Branch, NJ 07740, USA
Full Alignment
Two hours of hands on of energetic healing with the use of ancient qi gong as medicine; Bio-Energy Healing; Energetic Acupressure Points; Metamorphosis as energy medicine as well as healing hands practices, Donna Eden Methods, Barbara Brennan and Reiki. T…

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Lina3y ago

Hello. how accurate is this practice? how long does it last?

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