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Indian Head Massage

healing session
$70 USD
$70 USD

Indian Head Massage is a very effective therapy which has been practiced in India for thousands of years.

The treatment involves massage of the upper back and shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp and face, with the client fully clothed sitting on a chair.

This massage releases the stress and the tension that accumulates in the muscles, joints and tissues of the head, neck and shoulders, providing immediate relief.

This massage can be extremely beneficial to most people. The experience is deeply calming and relaxing, and clients report that after the treatment they feel relaxed but also energised and revitalised and better able to concentrate.

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48 Lodge Cl, Oxford OX3 0QP, UK

Paola Bisicchia is a Doctor in Molecular Biology and Genetics, and a fully certified Transformational Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher, Energy Healer and Holistic Therapist. Her mission is to help people live in alignment with who they truly are and find the joy that comes from living their truth and their life purpose.
Paola’s Healing sessions provide deep, fast and lasting transformation.

On Core Spirit since May 2020

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Hello! This treatment is so powerful that you see results since the first session! All my clients report significant results even with one session. You are welcome to contact me at info@lotusenergyhealing.com to arrange a session. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, kind regards, Paola

Hello! I'm sorry for replying only now, I have only seen your message now. Yes the treatment will definitely help with neck pain. You are welcome to contact me at info@lotusenergyhealing.com to arrange a session. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, kind regards, Paola

Ann Burak3y ago

Hello! How many sessions do I need to see the result?

Paola Bisicchia
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Oxford, UK
Reiki in person and distant Reiki
Medical Massage
Paola Bisicchia
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Oxford, UK
Indian Head Massage
Life Coaching
Paola Bisicchia
Jul 30, 2024, 09:00
Awakening Coaching
April Chase3y ago

Will your massage help me get rid of my neck pain? I’ve been suffering for about six months now

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