<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Healing your Horses Emotional Baggage | Core Spirit

Healing your Horses Emotional Baggage

healing session
$80 USD
$80 USD

Horses often go through several changes of home during their lives, having to adapt to new owners, riders and stablemates.
With each experience they will be processing the emotions involved wth these changes, but possibly they may not be able to for some reason, which can result in blocked or trapped emotions. These affect the transition of energy throughout the physical and emotional body.

Being one of the most intelligent animals, a horse's range of emotions is very similar to ours, but of course they are unable to verbalize what is wrong or unsettling to them.

By connecting with their subconscious, I can release any blocks they may be holding, which will allow them to be more settled, easier to handle, and most importantly, to live more happily and contentedly.

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