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Fulfilment coaching discovery call

coaching session
$10 USD
$10 USD

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Fulfillment and wonder coaching

Life should not be a list of things that you wish you could have done. Each day should bring you a smile and be special. You only have this life once so it’s worth living each and every day as though it were your last.

This coaching program is designed to kick start your life. You will stop existing in the monotonous eat, sleep, work, repeat cycle and you will begin to live like you have never lived before.

The joy and wonder of the world, of life, and of living will be yours once again. You will embrace the good and the bad in order to reshape the world you live in. And together we will forge a new path; one that will make you proud.

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1-3 Victoria Embankment, Nottingham NG2 2JY, UK

Martin is a student of life and the universe, reciveing his formal training in Herbal Medicine from The Univserty of Lincoln( (UK) he practiddes a unique form of herbal medicine combined with coaching and meditation. He has a down to earth and positive attitude beliveing all people deserve to live a life that is full of joy and wonder.

On Core Spirit since October 2021

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