<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> End phone & social media addiction and improve the quality of your screen time | Core Spirit

End phone & social media addiction and improve the quality of your screen time

coaching session
$90 USD
$90 USD

There is no debate that we are using our phones and social media way too much. Just look around and it seems being on our phones constantly is the new societal norm. Now with the coronavirus outbreak, we use our smartphones and social media constantly. Deep down we all know that we should stop acting like our phone's slave and start enjoying the offline world a whole lot more.

Our environment is filled with people who are absorbed by their phones. Seeing most people in a static and zombie-like mode connected to their devices, makes you think it is hard to be different. I have good news for you.

There are people who have managed to claim back their control in their lives. There are people who have managed to transform their unhealthy relationship with their phones and social media accounts into a healthy one where the user is in control. These people transformed their FOMO (fear of missing out) to JOMO (joy of missing out).

The right strategy and psychology are necessary in order to beat this addiction or problematic behavior. The reason why generic tips like disabling notifications might not help you is because you are lacking the psychology.

You can compare it to the gym. We all know what is required to lose weight. Somehow, many people just fail to lose those extra pounds. It is not because they don’t know what to do, it’s because they lack the psychology side of the equation. With the right strategies, you will transform your psychology. By transforming your psychology, you can implement the right strategies to beat your compulsive behavior.

My 6-step formula is my proven method for improving and upgrading your screen time faster and more efficiently on your own. Personally, I’ve used the combination of all 6 steps to disconnect from social media in order to mindfully reconnect with myself, friends, and family, and ultimately with tech.

Life is short and finite. Show your phone who is the master and focus on your development and progress. You won’t believe how much your future self will thank you for that. Remember that the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be!

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Dublin 18, Ireland

I used to struggle with phone and social media addiction, and I knew I had to find a way to unhook myself from screens. I didn’t want to completely abstain from screens since they are here to stay. Nevertheless, I learned how to use screens mindfully, the more I became aware of the detrimental effects screens can have on us. Now I help individuals and families recover from screen addiction.

On Core Spirit since August 2021

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