<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Emergence Session with Stacie | Core Spirit

Emergence Session with Stacie

coaching session
$80 USD
$80 USD

Imagine feeling truly listened to. Not to just your words, but to the energy and intention underneath your words. To what your soul wants to communicate in this world. This is the type of communication we will have together. Where talking is a form of communion with your inner being, and becomes a healing modality.

This is a straight up combo of Deep Transformational Coaching & Energy Medicine.
You might come in with an agenda or idea of what you want or where you want to go, and this will certainly inform our session. But I will ask you to release any pre-determined path or ideas of how to 'get' there. This is the only way to co-create a Shift in Being - by releasing agendas, and allowing for what truly wants to Emerge.

Can you sense the bigness and potential within you?!?

These sessions are great when you have an issue or topic you want the space to explore in a sacredly held container.

Perhaps you've had a spiritual awakening of sorts and want to stay connected to this expansive feeling. Or you have an experience, relationship, or drama in your life that you feel needs a new, broader lens. Maybe you're stuck in indecision or the inability to move forwards in life. These sessions are a first class ticket to your personal growth and expansion. You are held in a co-creative, permissive space, which allows for the unconditional love and acceptance of Your Essence.

We will meet on zoom and you will have the option of having cameras on or off - whichever you feel most comfortable with. Sessions take about an hour, and are a combo of talking and energy work. I will, by distance, hold/activate/clear certain energy points in your field, when needed. I will always explain what I'm doing, and invite you to hold them as well, on occasion. It's an interactive, yet usually deeply relaxing experience.

It is my deep honour to hold you in this way. I'm so excited to meet You.

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Provided By
Findhorn, Forres, UK

Have you ever had trouble 'finding your voice?' Or do know you have something to say or some way to express yourself, but just feel blocked and unable to get it out? Or maybe you've stood up in front of people and felt shaky and scared out of your mind, instead of confident and strong.

I'm Stacie, and I work with clients who are ready to be empowered in their expression.

On Core Spirit since March 2021

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Hi Joan, thanks for your question. I use the term 'Energy Medicine' to include the various different modalities I've trained in. These include Chakra Healing, Usui Reiki master/teacher, TARA approach for shock & trauma, shamanic healing, sweat lodge & group facilitation, song carrying & harmonic healing, spirit guide communication, Holistic Health & Deep Transformational Coaching, among others. I combine this experience with a strong dose of intuition, and always with the inner wisdom and knowing of the client.
Hope this helps! XxStacie

Joan Wilson3y ago

Hi! So interesting. What do you mean by energy medicine? Thanks in advance!

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! This is really exciting. I would like to know exactly how the session goes. Does your practice help to improve mental health? If so, how many sessions are essential to start noticing the results? Thank you in advance :)

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Emergence Session with Stacie
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