- Arcturian Awakening Initiation Frequency Session
This starts the process of turning from the physical world towards the spiritual world and
recognizing your spiritual destiny as a soul. At times, this process can be painful as you release the old and embrace the new life of spirit. The healing frequency involved with this process is called the Arcturian Awakening Frequency II.
- Arcturian Scholar Initiation Frequency Session
This is where study of esoteric and occult knowledge becomes important and you are dedicated to the process of learning and developing on the intellectual as well as clairvoyant level. The healing frequency involved with this session is called the Arcturian Knowledge Frequency.
- Arcturian Warrior Initiation Frequency Session
This process embodies the warrior's characteristics of courage, and the will to fight for higher spiritual ideals. The healing frequency involved with session is called the Arcturian Warrior Frequency.
- Arcturian Queen Initiation Frequency
This process leads us to release our neuroses and lower self drives and impulses and turn them
toward the greater life of the soul. The healing frequency involved is called the Arcturian Rebirth Frequency.
- Arcturian King Initiation Frequency
This frequency allows us to embody serving the group rather than the individual self.
- Arcturian Sun Hero Initiation Frequency Session
Here we graduate to embodying the I AM Presence more fully and completely in our system.
This is represented by the spirit of the Sun. The healing frequency is called the Arcturian Sun Frequency.
- Arcturian Master Healer Initiation Frequency Session
This session encompasses all six previous frequencies and allows one to fully guide others in their process of spiritual renewal and development. The healing frequency involved is called the Arcturian White Light Frequency.
Certificate issued if needed.
I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a healing facilitator, via long distance.
Please note that the location does not matter as it is a distant energy session.