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Akashic Record Readings and Workshops

healing session
$111 USD
$111 USD

The Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul from the time it leaves its point of origin until its return. At the time we make the decision to experience Life as an independent entity, there is a field of energy created to record every thought, word, emotion, and action generated by that experience. That field of energy is the Akashic Records; “Akashic” because it is composed of Akasha, (the energetic substance from which all life is formed), and Records, because its objective is to record all life experience.

By opening the Akashic Records with a Sacred Prayer, we align ourselves to the vibration of the one receiving the consultation (either ourselves or another). The Prayer works with energetic vibration to “key in” to the specific “name” of the life form, and carries with it God’s protection through the Masters, Teachers and Lords of Akasha, where one is able to seek answers by inquiring about different aspects of their life.

The Akashic Records can help with:

Bring the past, present, and future into the “now.”

Identify and release anything that we have created that has become a block to our present realization of our Oneness with God.

Look into addictive patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors.

Discover why we choose the relationships we do, why we have created our habitual responses, and how to create pro-action in our lives instead of reaction.

Connect with loved ones passed to heal the grieving process.

Grow beyond any self-imposed limitations currently faced and become your best Self and much more…

Akashic Record Workshops

Irene offers workshops for Levels I, II, and III of the Akasha. She travels when a host can organize 4 or more people for a weekend workshop and provide her housing. She offers them regularly in her home county of Sonoma, CA.

Level 1:

Participants are given access and attunement to their own Akashic Records where they are trained and guided on how to effectively use the Records, so that they are able to receive all of its benefits.

​Level 2:

Participants are given instruction and guidance on how to obtain access to others’ Akashic Records, so as to give or offer readings as a service to benefit others.

Level 3:

Experienced participants - who have completed Levels I and II - that feel called, ready and are given permission by the Akashic Records, learn how to gain access, reach the benefits and teach others the Akasha.

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Asheville, NC, USA

I am here, with full dedication to support the healing and evolution of those who are called to work with me through my offering of comprehensive services that I have been practicing for over 17 years. I come with a deep intuition and an exceptionally high level of emotional intelligence with gifted insights in a gentle approach. https://youtu.be/gJhWkxm7xrQ

On Core Spirit since November 2020

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Hello Michelle!
Thank you for reaching out and expressing what you are dealing with. To be honest…
Usually when a person is expressing this kind of thing it is because they are longing for themselves and nothing external from them can satisfy the call from their soul to connect with their higher Self. Purpose has to do with who and what you Are and you can only feel in your purpose when you truly feel connected to yourSelf. In the disconnect there can be despair and a deep sorrow. I would be happy to assist you in the journey to connecting more deeply to yourself and your truth either through the Akashic Records or any other modality that I offer. My website is healingwithIrene.com if you would like to read more about what I do and contact me through there or we can schedule a session here as well. You have a purpose and you are here for a reason. You will feel alive and passionate about living when you work through what is creating the disconnection.

I look forward to hearing from you! It is your time to heal!

All my best,

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! I wish I knew what I wanted in life. I got my bachelor’s degree and have some work experience already but I feel like I’m never gonna be happy. Nothing inspires me, nothing makes me passionate. Do you have any advice on how to find my purpose?

Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Sandra “Irene” VanRyckeghem
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Esoteric & Occult
Sandra “Irene” VanRyckeghem
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Akashic Record Readings and Workshops

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