<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> 60 Minute Health Consultation | Core Spirit

60 Minute Health Consultation

$199 USD
$199 USD

This is for those of you who are struggling with chronic health issues and don’t feel like you’ve found the right path, yet. You may be someone who has bounced from Practitioner to Practitioner and will say “I’ve tried everything and nothing has helped me.” If so, be prepared to talk about you being a part of the problem. I say this to scare off the Professional Patients who really don’t want to get better, either consciously or subconsciously.

Before our telehealth session I will send you forms/questionnaires from which your patterns will be revealed, so honesty and accuracy are crucial!

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89 Main St, Medway, MA 02053, USA

Hi, my name is Paul Gerst. I am a licensed Acupuncturist and Natural Health Practitioner of 24 years and wrote and completed a degree plan in Counseling that was designed to support my education in Acupuncture and Natural Healthcare. I studied with Jeff Bland, the Father of Functional Medicine. I am also a certified Meditation Trainer, and I love to help people become their best self.

On Core Spirit since November 2020

Functional medicine
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Find Balance Through Diet and Nutrition-Initial Session
Let Food and Whole Food Supplements be thy medicine. I have created custom treatment plans for thousands of Patients over 27 years (24 in my current Practice and 3 as a Nutrition Consultant). I recommend an initial 60 minute telehealth session (you will …
Nutritional Therapy
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
60 Minute Health Consultation
This is for those of you who are struggling with chronic health issues and don’t feel like you’ve found the right path, yet. You may be someone who has bounced from Practitioner to Practitioner and will say “I’ve tried everything and nothing has helped me…
Mindfulness meditation
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
30 Minute Meditation Training Session
I recommend the 60 minute Meditation Training Session for 1-6 visits, but offer this reduced time/payment session for those who don’t want or need the added time. I discuss the timing in the first 60 minute session. It will make sense what is right for y…
Mindfulness meditation
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Mindfulness Meditation: Your Path to Peace
So many people have tried meditation and report that they failed; they can’t do it. There are many different kinds of meditation and my goal is to help everyone find comfort in quiet, stillness, peace…in truth, it is comfort with your true self. When you …
Nutritional Therapy
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Balance Through Diet/Nutrition- Follow-up appointment
These 45 minute sessions are only for those who have had their Initial 60 minute session. The follow-up is to discuss obstacles, celebrate victories, and address any questions related to your health issue(s). This refinement of your treatment plan is impe…

Practitioner Reviews

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Leave your comments / questions

Phoebe Savir3y ago

If I am obese and don’t know where to start to make a difference. Can you make me an action plan that will help me lose weight without harm to my health in a short time?

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