Whats stopping you reaching the inner you inside?

That is a very good question. We are all aware of our physical body, but what about our energy body? We clean, groom and feed our physical body every day, but what about the energy body? How much work do you so to enhance your natural energy?

When energy becomes stagnant, then it becomes harder to shift. When we see stagnant ponds, we see that this will lead to problems. The same applies to our bodies. We need to keep the energy flowing constantly.

I am not talking about exercising every moment of the day though, It is deeper than that. It is great to have a spiritual practice where you can really try to connect with inner you inside. But stagnant energy will really hinder and distort that practice if allowed.

We can connect our chakras, meridians and accupressure points really easily. I have found with my work, that people get deeper much more quickly when they do this. And anyone can do this at any age.

Find a practice that will help you do this. Or if you resonate with me, contact me, I have many different options for you here on Core Spirit where you can reach out and speak with me. I also have Qi Gong classes which will get you there.

Until my next post, be well and keep shining.

Peter. :)


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