Dear Irina, thanks for your question. It depends on many factors: on the type and level of hyperlordosis, on the type of Asana and on the way you practice the pose. Awareness in Yoga is one of its fundament !
Yoga in any case can help correct muscular issues and relieve pain. But not every asana is right for someone having hyperlordosis issues…Each pose has many way on which it can be modified. Stretching and breathing exercises, in particular, can reduce pain while also strengthening your muscles to help your posture (I'm thinking about the core, which help us to improve our posture).
I would avoid strong backbends done without control, preferring asanas like Uttanasana and Ardha Uttanasana, paschimottanasana..but also gentle twists like Matsyendrasana.
Be gentle with your bodying always aware of what is your body feeling.
Please ask me if you have further questions, Bea

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