These Essential Oils are Powerful Natural Painkillers. Here is How To Use Them
These Essential Oils are Powerful Natural Painkillers. Here is How To Use Them
It seems that essential oils can work miracles. There are so many things that they can do for our home, our beauty and our health and pain relief is one of the main awesome uses that the potent fragrant oils are capable of.
Essential oils are highly fragrant substances found in the petals, stems, roots, and other parts of plants. They’re typically removed from the plant through steam distillation.
These essential oils are really much more powerful than you might think and some of them are really great for pain relief and not only pain relief, they can also help with muscle tension, neuropathy, inflammation or migraines and much more.
There are many useful oils that are available. Therefore, even if you are sensitive to one or more of them, there are several different options that you can try.
It is surprising that people do not use this amazing natural product more. Used in pain relief lotions and creams, bath oils or salts or massage oils, essential oils may help with easing pain from various causes, Some essential oils act as analgesics, which mean that they relieve pain. Other essential oils reduce inflammation and are excellent for treating pain associated with rheumatic and arthritic.
How to use essential oils for pain relief
The best way to use essential oils is to put them in massage oils. Pure essential oils are highly potent and concentrated, so they should be diluted with carrier oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil or castor oil, avocado, sweet almond, apricot kernel, sesame oil.
Before direct application on the skin. you can do a skin patch test to check its effects on your skin. Rub your diluted oil onto the inside of your forearm. If you don’t experience any irritation or discomfort within 24 hours, the oil should be safe for you to use.
To blend your essential oils into a synergy, You only need to use a few drops of essential oil. The dosage varies, but the standard practice is to add 4 to 10 drops of essential oil to every tablespoon of your carrier oil. You can mix different essential oils together as long as you keep to these proportions. Be sure to only use the purest grade of carrier oils since they have therapeutic properties of their own and enhance the action of the essential oils.
Essential oils, whether they are purchased as pure oil and prepared at home or in therapeutic products are particularly useful in the management of chronic pain as in the case of arthritis and sciatica. Essential oils have been proven to be a great addition to any pain management program. They can help with reducing the need to take prescription pain medications.
This also helps with increasing the relaxing and pain relieving effects of a massage therapy using essential oils or bath salts, or pain relief lotions and creams.
Lavender and peppermint essential oils are very popular pain relievers for general use but they are not the only oils for pain, Some of the Best 7 Essential Oils For Instant Pain Relief are provided in the following list, along with their most important uses.
Lavender Essential oil is one of the most popular and well-known essential oils for pain relief. It is antimicrobial, pain relieving and relaxing in nature. When you inhale the vapours, either from the bottle directly, or diffused in the air via using a diffuser, it helps to reduce muscle tension and relieves stress and anxiety which is what could be the underlying cause of many painful conditions.
These both will reduce your level of pain you feel. It also can help with easing the pain felt from migraine headaches, neck pain or tension by either placing oil on your temples or inhaling the vapors.
Being a mild oil, one or two drops can be applied undiluted on the neck and forehead for quicker results. You can also use this excellent sleep aid in a diffuser in the bedroom or add it to bath water before going to bed for instant pain relief.
Lavender in a bath can be very helpful for joint and muscle pain as well as stress. It can help you sleep better with less stress when used at bedtime. It can also help to ease pain, stress and ache.
There have been studies that show pain levels can be increased by poor sleep. Improving the amount and quality of sleep helps you reduce those pain levels. (When you combine chamomile and lavender there is increased benefits for pain relief, stress reduction and sleep).
A chamomile and lavender bath soak can help reduce pain, relax you and relieve stress. So you should get a bottle of pure lavender oil and add some to your bath water.
Other Uses for Lavender essential Oil Include
Mosquito Repellent – Add 10-12 drops of essence of lavender oil to an 8 or 16 oz Spritzer bottle filled with water, and spray.
Perfume – Dab a drop of lavender oil behind each ear, on the inside of each wrist and on the nape of your neck. You don’t want the scent to be overpowering, just present enough to smell special.
Bath Oil – Add several drops of lavender oil to a warm bath. Soak, and relax. I like to add the oil right under the running water to diffuse the scent a bit more. If you don’t have oil at hand, you’ll easily be able to find lavender-infused soap.
Laundry Freshener – Put a few drops of lavender oil on a towel and then toss the towel in with another laundry to dry. What a natural way to skip dryer sheets.
Reduce Swelling and Sore Muscles – Add lavender oil to ointment you use to relieve aches and pains. Some mums I know dab a little lavender oil on swollen lips.
Chamomile is a very effective anti-inflammatory agent. It can be used for TMJ, neuralgia, lower back and muscular pain, headaches as well as stress and PMS that can cause digestive problems. When blended with lavender, it can be quite effective, although it also works well with many other oils in blends also.
Chamomile has a therapeutic, calming effect on the skin, mind, and body. It soothes body systems and promotes a healthy inflammatory response from the body.
Clary Sage
When Clary sage is added to massage oils, it can be very useful for relieving cramping, muscle aches and muscle spasms. However, only small amounts should be used. You should never use clary sage with alcohol or on a night before you are planning to have a glass of wine or cocktails since it can be dangerous and leads to increased effects from the intake of alcoholic drink.
It is quite effective when used with chamomile for menstrual and PMS problems. Inhaling Clary Sage has been proven to have the ability to soothe nervous tension, lighten the mood, and create a sense of euphoria but it should not be taken internally. This oil should be used sparingly and cautiously.
There are many uses for juniper essential oil. However, the ones that are most relevant when it comes to pain relief are the anti-rheumatic and anti-spasmodic properties. Juniper, when applied in a lotion or cream, helps with reducing muscle spasms and joint and muscle pains and aches that are associated with fibromyalgia, arthritis and other similar ailments.
Juniper strengthens the nerves as well. With regular use, it can be helpful as well for neuropathic pain. Juniper has stimulant properties as well. Therefore, you should use it early in your day. If you use it before bedtime it can interfere with you being able to get to sleep properly.
The properties of eucalyptus essential oil are similar to those of juniper. When used topically it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. You can use it as a lotion or cream massaged into areas that are painful or as a bath oil or salt in the bath. It’s recommended for treating nerve pain, sprains, strains and muscular pains and aches.
In addition, it works well when combined with other types of essential oils like lavender. However, it should be used carefully since it can be toxic when used in large amounts.
Rosemary is a very effective remedy for headaches in addition to joint and muscle ache and pain. It can be used as well for enhancing memory, concentration and mental alertness. It also has an antidepressant effect.
Rosemary blends well with clary sage, peppermint, chamomile and lavender. However, breastfeeding or pregnant women should not use it.
Peppermint Essential Oil
Peppermint oil is very useful for migraines and headaches. The antispasmodic properties of peppermint essential oil make it a great natural remedy to treat arthritis and intestinal problems.
Amongst its many uses, Peppermint essential oil is known to help relax and ease tension muscular aches and spasms. It relaxes muscles in the lower back, reduces tension headaches and pain due to fibromyalgia.
For headaches, you can blend 4 peppermint oil drops with a tablespoon of jojoba oil, olive oil or some other carrier oil. A small amount of the blend can be applied to the temples and gently massaged in. this is a very effective remedy.
Make sure you stay far away from the eyes. If you add a couple of lavender drops or a drop or two of rosemary oil to peppermint oil. it can enhance the effect that it has to relieve pain.
Extracted from the yarrow plant, yarrow essential oil is a very potent pain reliever. It is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory and contains salicylic acid which is behind the analgesic effect of aspirin. The oil can also be used topically on inflamed joints to increase movement and reduce symptoms of arthritis and rheumatic pain.
Clove essential oil is one of the earliest essential oils to be used medicinally, It gives a burning sensation when applied on the skin in the undiluted form. It is very useful for treating toothache. A few drops of clove oil can be mixed with a cup of warm water and used as a throat gargle to get relief from throat pain. Clove oil mixed with jojoba oil or olive oil can be massaged into the affected area to get relief from muscle , joint pain and soreness.
How To Use Essential Oils for Pain
The following are potential uses and application of Essentials oils to alleviate pain. Use them to inspire your own ideas, experiment, and see what works for you.
Be sure to use a carrier oil to dilute your chosen essential oil. Applying an undiluted essential oil can cause skin irritation and inflammation.
Massage 1-2 drops of essential oils for pain into the area of concern daily or as desired.
Back Pain
Massage several drops into the area, and apply a hot or cold compress.
Bone Pain
Massage 1-2 drops into the area several times a day or as desired.
Bone Spurs
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern 2-3 times a day. Use consistently in conjunction with physical therapy to ensure proper physical alignment.
Sinus pain
Boil some water, pour it in a large bowl and add a few drops of the chosen essential oils. Put a towel over your head and inhale the mixture for about 10 minutes. repeat as desired.
Lightly apply 1 drop over the bruise, careful not to put any significant pressure on it. (Massaging bruise is a no-no.)
Massage 1-2 drops into the feet twice a day.
Massage 1-2 drops over the area as desired or several times a day.
Apply 1 drop to the forehead or back of the neck every one hour or as desired. Careful of the eyes…it might make them water!
Massage 1-2 drops of essential oils for pain into the area of concern or the soles of the feet daily or as desired.
Herniated Discs
Apply 1-2 drops over the area of concern several times a day.
Massage 1-2 drops over the area, moving with the lymphatic system (toward the heart). Also, consider an oil like Spearmint.
Joint Pain
Massage 1-2 drops into the area of concern followed with a hot or cold compress, heating pad or ice pack.
Joint Stiffness
Massage 1-2 drops into the area of concern using either heat or cold afterwards.
Meniscus (torn or injured)
Massage 1-2 drops into the area daily or as it’s bothering you.
Massage 1-2 drops of essential oils for pain over the area or into the reflex points of the feet.
Muscle Aches/Pains
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern as needed or several times a day.
Muscle Tension/Relaxation
Massage 1-2 drops over the area of concern as needed or several times a day.
Pain (Acute)
Massage 1-2 drops of essential oils for pain over the area of concern and follow with ice for 24 hours. Seek medical treatment.
Pain (Chronic)
Apply several drops over the area and apply a hot compress or heating pad for 30 minutes. Do this as desired, up to several times a day.
Massage several drops daily along the spine and any secondary sources of discomfort associated with scoliosis.
Massage 1-2 drops of essential oils for pain over the hips and low back twice a day or as needed.
Gently massage several drops into the area up to every 2-3 hours.
Tendonitis/Tennis Elbow
Massage 1-2 drops into the area daily and as needed.
Tension Headaches
Massage several drops over the area of concern and surrounding or related areas as needed.
Gently massage several drops of essential oils for pain over any area of pain, as well as surrounding areas several times a day.
Blend 4 drops of essential oil with one tablespoon of a carrier oil and apply a small amount of the mixture to the temples and massage gently.
Use a few drops of Marjoram oil or clove essential oils for effective toothache remedy.
Cautions and warnings
The medicinal properties of many essential oils overlap, so if you are allergic to some essential oils, it shouldn’t keep you from trying others., some acting as soothing muscle and nerve relaxants while others have an invigorating action on the mind and body.
The potency of essential oils should not be underestimated. They should be used with great caution. Take care to dilute essential oils when appropriate and perform a skin patch test before applying the oil to your skin.
Talk to your doctor or certified aromatherapist before use if you:
are pregnant
are nursing
have an existing medical condition
wish to use essential oils on children or older adults
Potential side effects of using essential oils include:
skin irritation
skin inflammation
sun sensitivity
allergic reaction
If you’d like to purchase any of the oils mentioned in this blog post then you can use the links throughout the article to buy them at Amazon or from any local health store near you!
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