The Myths and Facts of Hypnotherapy

The Myths and Facts of Hypnotherapy

The most common myths you have probably heard:

  1. You must be mentally weak to be hypnotized.


The hypnotic state is a natural state of existence. It is that comfortable, peaceful state you experience right before falling asleep and upon waking or during a very
deep meditation, intense concentration, or daydreaming.

  1. The hypnotist has complete control and can make you do anything they want even quack like a duck =0


Contrary to stage hypnosis shows, in reality the person under hypnosis has complete control of the process. A person will only go as deep as they feel comfortable. Moral values and beliefs stay intact during the therapy. A hypnotist can NOT make you do or say anything against your will.

  1. The hypnotist can read my mind or I might reveal something I don't want to.


During hypnosis the person in the hypnotic state has complete control. The hypnotist does not "go searching" for past experiences unless specifically requested by the client. The mind will only reveal to the person under hypnosis things they are ready to learn about themselves. Often this can be in the form of insights or understandings that come after hypnotherapy sessions. The therapy naturally advances and people make the changes they want at the pace that is right for them.

  1. Hypnotherapy is a painful type of regressive therapy.


The hypnotic state is a state of deep peace and relaxation yet hyperawareness. It is a natural healing state that has been proven be therapeutic in itself aside from the actual therapy techniques.

  1. Hypnotherapy is just brainwashing.


Through hypnotherapy negative beliefs/fears that create stress and emotional pain and detrimental behaviors are removed. However one of the most valuable aspects of hypnotherapy is the ability to create new empowering beliefs that create the positive change in the inner space, behaviors, and how one feels about himself or herself and their overall experience of life.

  1. Hypnotherapy is weird and doesn't really work compared to other therapies.


Hypnotherapy has been proven to be the most effective type of psychological/behavioral therapy available. In a survey on psychotherapy literature by Alfred A. Barrios, Ph.D. revealed that hypnotherapy proved to have over 90% success rate with six sessions, in comparison to behavioral therapy that proved over 70% at 22 sessions and psychoanalysis under 40% success rate after 600 sessions. Because hypnotherapy works directly with the subconscious mind which is 90% of our mental potential and stores all of our memories and experiences, beliefs and habits; it is an extremely effective tool for change and wellbeing.

  1. Hypnotherapy is only useful for phobias and quitting smoking.


Hypnotherapy is extremely effective for phobias and quitting smoking but it is extremely beneficial for the following issues as well:

Insomnia Chronic Pain Alcoholism Relationships Studying Prosperity
Anxiety Stress Depression Guilt Anger Emotional Pain
Trauma Grief Drug Abuse Fears Performance Creativity
Self Esteem Self Confidence Weight Loss Low Energy Visualization Relaxation
Sexual Issues Childhood Issues Behavioral Changes Social Phobias Public Speaking Addictions
Physical Abuse Mental Abuse Sports Performance Goal Attainment Memory Mental Peace

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