Powerful Asanas and Affirmations for Chakra Balancing

Powerful Asanas and Affirmations for Chakra Balancing

In Yoga, the life force energy or "prana" travels through the subtle body in a series of channels, called "nadis". These nadis intersect at points of intensified energy, called "Chakras". A Sanskrit word for "wheels", chakras are spinning vortexes of energy in the subtle body that correspond to various glands along the spine and inside the skull. The word “chakra” has many meanings; a winding river, blooming flowers, cycles of years.

Each center has specific qualities that interact with our outer and inner worlds. According to yoga philosophy, the human body has seven major chakras which are the blueprint for one’s own inquiry and self-care and the yoga practice awakens and moves energy through the body/mind.

When the energy becomes blocked or stagnant it triggers, physical, mental or emotional imbalances that can manifest in many ways including, anxiety, poor digestion and lethargy. A well-sequenced asana practice can free up energy and stimulate the sluggish center and return the balance and “good feeling” that one associates with Yoga.

1. Root Chakra/ Muladhara

Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine near the tailbone and relates to security and basic needs.
When Root Chakra is balanced, one has good energy, a feeling of security and healthy body awareness. When Root Chakra is imbalanced, one feels lethargy, resistance to change and need to slow down.Root Chakra is associated with Earth element and is paired with Adrenal glands. The color to focus on is red and the sound to chant is “Lam”.


I feel safe and secure.

I am centered and grounded.

I am powerful, rooted and strong.

I am financially secure.

I am grounded and stable.

Some ASANAS to practice for balancing this chakra:

Natrajasana/ Dancer’s pose

Uthita Hasta Padagusthasana/ Extended Hand To Big Toe pose

Vrikshasana/ Tree pose

Uttansana/ Standing Forward Fold

Baddha konasana/ Butterfly pose

Agnistambhasana/ Firelog pose

2. Sacral Chakra/ Swadishthana

Sacral Chakra is located below the navel and relates to vitality, sensation and our relationship with others.
When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, one has stable energy, alertness, unblocked emotions and is connected to all five senses. When the Sacral Chakra is imbalanced, one feels repressed and disconnected from the senses, dry and emotionally brittle.

Sacral Chakra is associated with Water element and is paired with Ovaries/ Testis. The color to focus on is orange and the sound to chant is “Vam”.


I am creative.

I allow myself to experience pleasure.

The sweetness of life flows through me, and I radiate its joy.

My emotions are free flowing and balanced.

I embrace pleasure and abundance.

Some ASANAS to practice for balancing this chakra:

Chapasana/Sugarcane pose

Utkata konasana/Goddess pose

Mandukasana/Frog pose

Gomukhasana/Cow face pose

Upavishta konasana/Middle split

Ek pada rajakapotasana/One legged pigeon pose

3. Solar plexus Chakra/ Manipura

Solar plexus Chakra is located between the chest and the navel and relates to motivation, intention and desire.
When the Solar plexus Chakra is balanced, one achieves goals, is self-confident and has strong motivation and direction. When the Solar plexus Chakra is imbalanced, one experiences mental blocks, nervousness an impatience.

Solar plexus Chakra is associated with Fire element and is paired with Pancreas gland. The color to focus on is yellow and the sound to chant is “Ram”.


I am strong and brave.

I make decisions with confidence and conviction.

I am proud of myself and my achievements.

I have the courage to create positive change in my life.

I feel motivated to pursue my purpose.

Some ASANAS to practice for balancing this chakra:

Navasana/Boat pose

Vasisthasana/Side Plank pose

Urdhva prasarita Padasana/ Upward extended foot pose

Phalakasana/Plank pose

Virbhadrasana 3/Warrior 3

Purvottanasana/Upward plank pose

4. Heart Chakra/ Anahata

Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest and relates to sympathy, empathy, power of unconditional love.
When the Heart Chakra is balanced, one feels love and connection to self and others. When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced, one experiences depression, loss of connection and apathy.

Heart Chakra is associated with Air element and is paired with Thymus gland. The color to focus on is green the sound to chant is “Yam”.


I welcome love with an open heart.

I forgive myself and others.

I naturally attract love everywhere I go.

I live in balance and peace.

My heart space radiates powerful green light.

Some ASANAS to practice for balancing this chakra:

Urdhva dhanurasana/Wheel pose

Ustrasana/Camel pose

Shalabasana/Locust pose

Dhanurasana/ Bow pose

Kapotasana/Pigeon pose

Anjaneyasana/Crescent moon pose

5. Throat Chakra/ Vishuddha

Throat Chakra is located in the throat and relates to creativity, self-expression and communication.
When the Throat Chakra is balanced, one has inner trust, self-reliance and easily expresses ideas and thoughts. When the Throat Chakra is imbalanced, one feels selfish, has feelings of rejection and has difficulty in expressing oneself.

Throat Chakra is associated with Ether/Space element and is paired with Thyroid gland. The color to focus on is blue and the sound to chant is “Hum”.


I express myself confidently and with ease.

I feel comfortable speaking my mind.

I am an active listener.

I have a voice and I use it.

I live an authentic life and have integrity.

**Some ASANAS to practice for balancing this chakra:
Setu bandhasana/Bridge pose


Matsyasana/Fish pose

Halasana/Plough pose

Uttana padasana/Raised legs pose

6. Third eye Chakra/ Ajna

Third eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows and relates to intuition, imagination and perception.

When the Third eye Chakra is balanced, one feels intuitive, self-connected and mentally fit. When the Third eye Chakra is imbalanced, one has mental blocks, overthinks and lacks depth.

Third eye Chakra is associated with Light element and is paired with Pituitary gland. The color to focus on is indigo and the sound to chant is “Aum”.


I feel connected to my spiritual truth.

I am intuitive.

I let my inner wisdom guide me.

I live an authentic life and have integrity.

I trust my decisions.

Some ASANAS to practice for balancing this chakra:

Balasana/Child’s pose

Pincha Mayurasana/Forearm stand

Dolphin pose

Uttansana /Standing forward fold

Prasarita padottanasana/Wide legged forward fold

7. Crown Chakra/ Sahasrara

Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head and relates to wisdom and enlightenment.

When the Crown Chakra is balanced, one feels strong, unclouded and experiences joy from within. When the Crown Chakra is imbalanced, one feels loss of self, spiritual abandonment and lack of connection with the universe.

Crown Chakra is associated with Cosmic Energy and is paired with Pineal gland. The color to focus on is violet and the sound to chant is “Aum”.


I am divinely guided and inspired.

I am infinite and boundless.

I go beyond my limiting beliefs and accept myself totally.

I am open to divine wisdom.

I live in the present moment.

Some ASANAS to practice for balancing this chakra:

Adho Mukha Vrikshasana/Handstand


Sasangasana/Rabbit pose

Shavasana/Corpse pose

Padmasana/Lotus pose

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