Martial arts are developed systems of self-defense using specific techniques for each type of martial arts. The main goal of training is the spiritual improvement of those involved and the development of physical strength.
The time when women were only engaged in fitness, athletics and Pilates has already passed, and now martial arts is not an exclusively male sport.
Martial arts are an up-to-date and fun way to keep fit. Flexibility, good stretching, excellent coordination of movements and a load on all muscle groups are not all the advantages that such a fitness hobby can give you.
What are the Benefits of Martial Arts for Women?
- Physical Benefits
Martial arts for women is an ideal option to keep the muscles of the whole body in good shape and create the figure of your dreams. If you exercise systematically, then in a month your body will become toned, extra pounds will go away, coordination of movements, flexibility and dexterity will improve. It is worth noting that in one intense workout you can burn about 800 calories, which equates to 10 km. running. A good bonus is that in martial arts classes, you will also devote time to stretching and breathing exercises.
- Peace of mind and spiritual integrity
In martial arts training, in addition to physical development, great attention is also paid to deep philosophical teachings, which contribute to spiritual growth and inner harmony.
Martial arts are perfect for women who want to relieve stress and throw out negative emotions, clear their minds after a hard day.
And also you will be able to think more positively and look at the world with different eyes.
- Self-defense
Thanks to training, you will master the basic techniques of self-defense - as a result, you will gain a sense of security, because you will be confident in yourself and your abilities. The possibility of a sudden attack will no longer be as scary as before.
Considering women's martial arts as a future hobby, you need to pay close attention to the following points:
medical contraindications and health issues;
the nature of the battle;
consequences of training;
own preferences and interests.
The main goal of martial arts is to maintain harmony between strength and emotions. Classes do not imply a duel with an expression of uncontrolled aggression.
It is important to use the acquired knowledge and skills for self-defense or training, and not as a way of physical violence against other people.
It is necessary to choose a type of martial arts that is feasible for a woman. High physical exertion, with which she cannot cope, will bring the opposite result to recovery and correct correction of the figure.
It is important to pay attention to the desire to engage. If the option under consideration seems too traumatic and aggressive, then it is better to give preference to calm sports.
What are the best types of martial arts for women?
Wushu/Kung Fu
The wushu base is divided into two parts: a gymnastic complex and a combat one. In the first batch, all exercises are performed slowly and resemble a ritual dance. There are also sets of exercises that are performed at a fast pace. Here you'll get a good opportunity to demonstrate the potential of your body, its coherence and unity.
Wushu gymnastics gives a uniform load on all muscle groups, forming a harmonious figure. According to Chinese doctors, wushu burns calories no worse than aerobics, and this is even in the absence of fast movements! And as a bonus, you will get the ability to concentrate.
Aikido is a special defense system. It can be described as the Japanese analogue of wushu is a combination of smooth and fast. The main skill that you get from practicing aikido is the ability to evade a blow. Aikido does not create the illusion of "knowing how to fight". This martial art teaches you how to defend yourself.
The technique consists of defensive techniques that use the energy of the attacker. In addition, all aikido techniques must be beautiful in appearance, but at the same time guarantee protection.
Jiu-jitsu is one of the oldest Japanese martial arts, later improved by the Europeans. This type of martial arts is considered the progenitor of judo, aikido, and karate.
This type of wrestling is quite aggressive.
Literally translated from Japanese, "karate" means "empty hand". However, despite the "emptiness" in the hands of a fighter, this sport can protect no worse than a weapon. Hard contact karate is a dangerous fight that is still banned in some countries. In non-contact types of karate, strikes must be calculated accurately down to millimeters. This type of struggle is well suited for developing attention, the ability to concentrate, and for developing an accurate reaction.
Kickboxing, Thai boxing
If in the previous areas of martial arts, punches are minimized, then in kickboxing and Thai boxing there are plenty of them. At the same time, the legs are also not idle, so these types of martial arts have a great effect on the gluteal muscles. In addition, kicks form a good stretch.
Kickboxing and Muay Thai are usually recommended for active, aggressive women who need to throw out their energy.
Martial Arts is a wonderful way to find a new hobby and improve your health. Determination and desire will allow you to achieve big results, and psychological training will teach you how to deal with aggression and direct it in the right direction.
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