How we stop doing what we love

Pauline Dougald
Core Spirit member since Oct 12, 2021
2m read
·Oct 14, 2021

When I was young I had all kinds of ideas about what I would be doing in life that will make me feel satisfied, fulfilled and fully self expressed.

After I finished Fine Arts School (it was still while I was in High School), I contemplated many areas to go into next. All of them were related to Design of some kind. Interior Design was my first choice, I was also considered Graphic Design and Fashion Design.

As it turned out, my years after High School and after College became the most difficult ones to negotiate in terms of career.

I was living in the big city with huge student loans, feeling of not enough and bills that were very uncomfortable. This caused me much angst and frustration.

So I made choices that were driven by emotions of resentment and frustration.

Much later I learned that for 20 years I prioritized actions that would satisfy needs of stability and self importance.

And that is how I stopped doing what I loved and settled for something else that made money instead.

Also I learned that majority of people do that in their lives. And maybe why at the moment we are experiencing what they call “The Great Resignation” where people are leaving their jobs because they have realized how little satisfaction they get from them.

The key to all this, as I understand for myself, are the basic human needs that we must fulfill on a daily basis. I learned it from Tony Robbins and I always use that with my clients to help them become aware of what is happening with them.

The needs are Certainty, Uncertainty, Love, Significance, Growth and Contribution.

Like Carl Jung said “ Until you make unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

If you don’t know what motivates you on the subconscious level - you have no chance of changing it. Without awareness you are blind and on autopilot. And you don’t even know where you’re going because your navigation has been screwed up long time ago.

I am very happy that this process of self discovery and internal searching has led me to finding my creativity again and reconnecting with my Art through practices of adding Flow State to my days.

When I work with my clients I feel satisfied, fulfilled and fully self-expressed. I am also constantly growing and contributing - the two needs of the highest level!

My direction is set, navigation is dialled and I am starting to pick up momentum.

It is exciting time to be Creative!

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Afsheen Shah2y ago

Yes, it is so important to do the inner work to find out what you really need to change in your life.