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Healing, Permanently, at the Deepest Level

Jan 19, 2021
Antonella Ercolani
Core Spirit member since Dec 25, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

Hi, my name is Antonella Ercolani, BodyTalk, Parama BodyTalk and RPT Level 1 &2 Practitioner and if you’re like me, you’ve tried a lot of healing techniques and self-development strategies, and you found out that some issues kept recurring, no matter how hard or how long you work on them. Like me you’ve tried EFT, Psychotherapy, Reiki, Chakra clearing, Theta Healing, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and so on.

Some of the things you tried cleared some of your issues and you got really excited about it so you tried to work on other things, but you found out that there were some issues that either did not clear at all or that kept coming back, days or weeks after working on them.

You don’t understand, you question yourself or the therapy, either your issue is hopeless, or the therapy is not as good as you thought it would be.

In all my years of therapy and training I have researched everywhere for something that works consistently, permanently, and regardless of placebo effect, and of the beliefs and unconscious self-sabotage one can have.

I have looked for the modalities that go to the roots of the problem, to the hidden iceberg under the symptoms, and the core issues often lie beyond the illness or the trauma that happened to us, and even beyond our childhood programming.

Why do some people clear the same issue we have effortlessly and some don’t?

Why did we go through an event or develop an illness in the first place?

I found two therapies that work consistently to answer these questions and to heal the issues one can have.

The bad news is that no therapy has 100% results all of the time, but a therapy that goes beyond the placebo effect, (if you believe that it’s medicine even a sugar pill works at least 30% of the time) should have at least from 70% to 95% rate of success!

Too many therapies fall short of that and work at 40% success rate, not much better than a sugar pill.

The good news is that both RPT and BodyTalk work on physical and emotional issues extremely well, but if we want to be more specific a scientific study has found that BodyTalk works at least 70% of the time on physical issues (in the case of this specific study pain disappeared or lessened in 71% of the patients versus 30% in the control group

and RPT, (Rapid Personal Transformation) works 95% of the time on emotional and psychological issues according to the sessions I have performed and the results that other practitioners have reported, and both are self-development tools at warp speed!

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