Exploring Illusion and Shadow Unveiling the Depths of Human Mind and Consciousness

Dr Sannjay
Core Spirit member since Apr 6, 2022
22m read
·Jul 12, 2024


The human mind is a powerful entity capable of influencing physical health and well-being through beliefs and expectations. One of the most intriguing phenomena illustrating this power is the placebo effect. The placebo effect occurs when a person experiences a genuine improvement in their condition after receiving an inert treatment, purely because they believe it to be effective. This remarkable interplay between mind and body suggests that our thoughts and visualizations can have tangible impacts on our reality.

Understanding the Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is not just a trick of the mind; it is a complex neurobiological response. When a person expects a treatment to work, their brain can release neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine, which can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. Research has shown that placebo treatments can lead to measurable changes in brain activity, hormone levels, and even immune responses.

Visualization and the Placebo Effect
Visualization, or the process of creating mental images to simulate real-life situations, is a powerful tool that can enhance the placebo effect. By visualizing positive outcomes, individuals can foster a mindset of expectation and belief that can trigger the placebo response. This process involves several steps:

Setting Clear Intentions: Clearly defining what you want to achieve or improve is the first step. This could be related to health, personal goals, or performance in various areas of life.

Creating Vivid Mental Images: Visualization requires creating detailed and vivid mental images of the desired outcome. The more realistic and detailed these images are, the more effective they will be.

Emotional Engagement: Engaging emotions in the visualization process is crucial. Feeling the joy, excitement, or relief that comes with achieving the desired outcome can strengthen the belief in its reality.

Repetition: Regularly practicing visualization helps reinforce the belief and expectation, making the placebo effect more likely to occur.

Mechanisms of Action

The mechanisms through which visualization and the placebo effect can turn thoughts into reality include:

Neuroplasticity: Visualization can promote neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This can lead to changes in behavior and physical outcomes as the brain adapts to the new mental imagery.

Stress Reduction: Visualization and positive thinking can reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol production. Reduced stress can enhance immune function and overall health, contributing to better outcomes.

Behavioral Changes: Visualization can lead to behavioral changes that align with the desired outcome. For example, athletes who visualize successful performances often exhibit improved skills and confidence, leading to better results.

Enhanced Motivation: Visualization can boost motivation and perseverance, making individuals more likely to take actions that lead to the achievement of their goals.

Scientific Evidence

Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of visualization and the placebo effect. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that participants who believed they were receiving pain relief treatment showed reduced pain perception and brain activity associated with pain, even though the treatment was a placebo. Another study in Psychosomatic Medicine showed that patients with irritable bowel syndrome who received placebo treatment along with positive suggestions experienced significant symptom relief.

Practical Applications

The potential applications of using visualization and the placebo effect are vast. In healthcare, these techniques can be used to complement traditional treatments, enhancing patient outcomes and reducing reliance on medications. In sports, athletes can use visualization to improve performance and mental resilience. In personal development, individuals can leverage these techniques to achieve their goals and enhance their well-being.

In the vast tapestry of human existence, the realms of illusion and shadow beckon us to delve deeper into the mysteries of consciousness and the boundless potential of the mind. From ancient philosophies to modern scientific inquiry, these concepts offer a gateway to understanding the multifaceted nature of reality and the intricate workings of our inner worlds.

The Power of Human Mind: Unraveling Potential and Dimensions:

The human mind stands as a beacon of unparalleled complexity, capable of weaving intricate tapestries of thought and perception. From the cognitive processes that govern everyday decisions to the depths of creativity and intuition, our minds traverse various dimensions, each offering a unique perspective on reality.

  1. Dimensions of Consciousness:

At the heart of human experience lies consciousness, a profound phenomenon that transcends physical boundaries. Ancient spiritual traditions and modern neuroscience alike explore the diverse dimensions of consciousness, from waking awareness to altered states and beyond. Practices such as meditation and mindfulness illuminate how consciousness can be expanded and refined, offering glimpses into higher realms of perception.

  1. The Potential of Intention:

Intention, the focused projection of mental energy, serves as a catalyst for manifestation. Whether through the ancient practice of Sankalpa in Vedic traditions or the quantum understanding of the observer effect, intention shapes our reality in subtle yet profound ways. The alignment of intention with purpose can bring about transformative outcomes, illustrating the inherent power of the mind to influence external circumstances.

Shadow Science and the Depths of Perception

  1. Understanding the Shadow Self:

In psychological terms, the shadow represents the hidden aspects of the self, encompassing repressed emotions, desires, and unresolved conflicts. Explored by Carl Jung and integrated into therapeutic practices, shadow work involves confronting and integrating these aspects to achieve psychological wholeness. Embracing the shadow unlocks deeper self-awareness and cultivates compassion for oneself and others.

  1. Mirror Science: Reflections of Reality:

Mirrors, both literal and metaphorical, offer insights into the nature of perception and self-reflection. In physics, mirrors reflect light to create images, symbolizing how external stimuli can mirror our internal states. Metaphorically, mirrors reflect our beliefs, biases, and self-perceptions, inviting introspection and self-discovery. Mirror neurons in neuroscience highlight how observation and empathy shape interpersonal connections, underscoring the interconnectedness of human experiences.

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Modern Inquiry

From the timeless wisdom of Eastern philosophies to the pioneering discoveries of Western science, the exploration of illusion, shadow, and the human mind converges in a quest for holistic understanding. As we navigate the complexities of existence, embracing the potential of consciousness and intention offers a pathway to cultivate greater awareness, creativity, and interconnectedness with the world around us.

Let's discuss any some power of human mind with reference of ancient scriptures

Manas Santan:

In spiritual and quantum psychic perspectives, the concept of "Manas Santan" or a child born out of willingness alone delves into profound realms of consciousness and manifestation. This phenomenon suggests the manifestation of a child through pure intention, transcending conventional biological processes. It aligns with the belief that the mind's power can influence physical reality deeply, echoing principles found in quantum mechanics where thoughts and intentions can shape outcomes.

From a spiritual viewpoint, such occurrences are seen as rare and extraordinary, rooted in the spiritual evolution and purity of the individuals involved. It underscores the belief in the interconnectedness of mind, spirit, and matter, where intention and belief can manifest in ways that defy conventional understanding.

Quantum physics offers a framework where consciousness and the observer effect play crucial roles in shaping reality. The idea that consciousness can influence biological processes challenges traditional scientific boundaries, pointing to a deeper understanding of the mind's potential.

Ultimately, discussions around Manas Santan invite us to explore the expansive nature of consciousness, the power of intention, and the mysterious ways in which spirituality and quantum mechanics might intersect to reveal new dimensions of human potential and existence.
In Vedic and Tantric traditions, the concept of "Manas Santan" aligns with broader philosophies that acknowledge the potency of consciousness and intention in shaping reality.

  1. Vedic Perspective: In the Vedas, particularly in the Upanishads and Yogic texts, the idea of "Manas Santan" can be interpreted through the lens of Brahma Vidya (knowledge of the absolute reality). It suggests that the mind, when attuned to higher spiritual states, can influence the material world profoundly. This aligns with the concept of Sankalpa Shakti, the power of intention, where focused mental energy can manifest desired outcomes, even the conception and birth of a child.

  2. Tantric Viewpoint: Tantra, with its emphasis on harnessing energies and transcending limitations, views "Manas Santan" as a manifestation of Siddhis (spiritual powers) attained through rigorous practices and alignment with cosmic energies (Shakti). Tantric texts explore the relationship between consciousness (Chitta) and creation (Prakriti), suggesting that advanced practitioners can wield mental energies to manifest physical realities, including the birth of children.

Both Vedic and Tantric traditions emphasize the purity of intention (Sankalpa), the alignment with divine will (Ishvara Pranidhana), and the mastery over mind (Chitta Nirodha) as essential factors in such phenomena. They invite practitioners to explore the depths of consciousness and the interconnectedness of spiritual and material realms.

Maya & Chaya:

Maya means that which can be experienced but does not exist in reality. We know this world through our perception systems through the five senses of taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. Whatever we understand about our reality comes through our senses. What our mind feels through the five senses becomes reality for us. In scientific terms, the virtual world of Maya is known as Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality means a world which is completely imaginary but appears to be completely true.

The word virtual means virtual or feeling, reality means truth or truth, so the literal meaning of virtual reality is to experience reality as truth in a virtual form. Modern science creates virtual reality on the basis of computer technology, which makes a person feel that the unreal world is real. A realistic three dimensional artificial environment which is created with a combination of hardware and software, and is presented to all of us in such a way that without any doubt we accept it as a real environment.

In the virtual world, a human being gets connected physically and mentally, which he feels, can move around in it and can also see and touch the objects present there. In the world of virtual reality, everything seems real, but it is an artificial world created, it is an illusion which covers our thinking and we believe that we are doing everything. Just like our mobile or computer creates the world of video games, in the same way our brain also creates this world. This world is like a highly advanced computer program created by God, human brain is a powerful computer created by God which exists in the network of this world. Today's science also says that the world is made of matter and the last unit of matter is atom and the last unit of atom is wave, electric current and nothing else. Happiness or sadness, whatever we experience, it all happens nowhere else, but inside our brain-like computer, which is called consciousness. This world which we see and feel is actually like a divine computer program, we all are running it together, just like we all run different types of app application software on computer or mobile, in the same way the divine power runs human life on our hardware-like brain through planets and stars. When the big server in the form of divine power passes any message or makes any change, then it applies to all of us, similarly when the planets transmit any message or event, then it affects all of us, that is why the events happening in the sky i.e. planets definitely affect humans, whether we believe it or not, even if we consider it an illusion, but the effect is there.

The virtual reality in the form of Maya is communicating in our brain through consciousness, after death when the brain ceases to exist then this consciousness merges with the consciousness of Brahma i.e. the supreme consciousness and man is freed from the bondage of Maya. The ultimate liberation has been given the name of Moksha.

When I thought about life today, I found this, Life has three forms – body, shadow and Maya ,
Body gives birth to shadow and shadow gives birth to Maya, And vice versa –Maya destroys shadow and shadow destroys body!!

In detail it is as follows –

The human body (body), by associating with relatives and relations (shadow), earns wealth (Maya), And in the end when Maya shows its form, Maya consumes the shadow
(all relations are destroyed in the pursuit of money) And shadow destroys the body!
(When all relations end, the body also starts to end slowly.

Maya defeats the intellect and mind and makes a person do that work which a person cannot even think of doing in a state free from Maya.

The shadow walks with us as our shadow. Be it the sunlight or the lamppost. The shadow teaches that whether it is happiness or sorrow, it is as if I am walking by accepting you. Oh human, you too should make your life supreme by accepting happiness and sorrow.

Kritya(Hinduism Method):

Kritya means an imagination created in the mind of the seeker. If a person goes deep into any imagination, then that imagination takes a visible form, that is Kritya. Many people imagine some god or goddess in their mind with imaginary thoughts, similarly many gods were born which did not exist.

In mythology Bhandasura created 105 universes. Were they really like the original universes? They were there in appearance but not in reality.

Some things are mentioned in the Puranas There is an episode of an illusionary war. In that, Spiritual powers are created by creating deadly and terrifying scenes from the real world. In this, you can see an imaginary army in the physical army. The warriors were afraid of this, the morale of the army was low. It is difficult to kill a big warrior who is endowed with great tantric arts, has siddhis. Then another warrior creates such illusions and fights in the illusionary world. All these are krityas.

Kritya does not have the five elements. It lacks two elements, earth and water elements are not present in it, so it cannot take a real physical body. That is why it works with your mental control, wherever your mind goes, whatever you do, the krityas accomplish it.
Mirabai also did this in Krishna element. Her love was so much that her kritya manifested in Krishna.This is a great science. You will know if you read his Vigyan Bhairav. Because it was Bhairav who had taken the Kritya Vidya forward.

It was Shiva who had told Vigyan Bhairav the trick behind it. Only the one whose imagination is accurate can manifest it in its true form. This is a game of conscious and unconscious mind. All these are the formulae told by Shiva. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra begins with Devi's questions. Devi asks such questions which seem philosophical. But Shiva does not answer in the same manner. Devi asks - Prabhu, what is your truth? Shiva does not answer this question but gives a 'method' in its place. If Devi goes through this method, she will get the answer. Therefore, the answer is indirect, not direct. Shiva does not tell who I am, he only tells a method. He says: Do this and you will know. For Tantra, doing is knowing.

Kritya is the most powerful power in the world. It is capable of performing the most difficult tasks because the human body is made up of five elements, but the Kritya is made up of only three elements. That is why its power is unmatched and its speed is faster than the mind. When the Kritya starts appearing in front of you 24 hours a day, then understand that your sadhana is successful. After this, you can order it to bring any object located far away and it will bring it to you in a few moments…

Kritya Sadhana scares people by its name itself because it is a destructive power and since ancient times sages have used it whenever the need arose. It is a secret knowledge and in view of its destructive power it was considered appropriate to keep it secret. Understand that in the field of Tantra it is like nuclear power and can have fatal effects but if this power is used in a disciplined manner then it can work for the benefit of mankind. Let us see what is Kritya? You must have read in the Puranas or religious texts that how in times of calamity, gods or demons created a specially powerful male or female form from the radiance of their bodies and got rid of the calamity by killing the enemy with it. Such incidents have been mentioned repeatedly in religious texts. For example, Lord Shiva had taken the help of Kritya Purush to destroy Daksha's yagya. To end Bhasmasur, Shri Vishnu had created Mohini in the form of Kritya. In reality, Kritya is a special powerful divine energy which has the ability to make even impossible tasks successful. It is neither in the category of gods nor can it be placed in the category of demons or vampires. It is purely a part of the mind which takes the form of Manas Kanya or Manas Purush according to the wish of the seeker. Even in today's era, Kritya can prove to be helpful in many ways but the thinking should be positive.

Buddha says, 'Don't meditate, be in meditation.' There is a big difference. I repeat, Buddha says, 'Don't meditate, be in meditation.' Because if you meditate then the doer comes in between. You will keep thinking that you are meditating. Then meditation becomes an action. Buddha says, be in meditation. It means become completely inactive.Don't do anything. Don't think that there is a doer somewhere.

It is not that easy to use Kritya Vidya. Because to sow the seed with the power of mental resolve, two resolves have to be joined to form one.When you perform Kritya Prayog, then along with using your imagination, it is necessary to know which three elements should be combined with how much potency to create that Maya world with the power of that Sadhana.

Your command should be over any of the five elements. And the five elements do not come under anyone's control just like that.
Kritya Sadhana scares people by its name itself because it is a destructive power and since ancient times sages have used it whenever the need arose. It is a secret knowledge and in view of its destructive power it was considered appropriate to keep it secret. Understand that in the field of Tantra it is like nuclear power and can have fatal effects but if this power is used in a disciplined manner then it can work for the benefit of mankind. Let us see what is Kritya? You must have read in the Puranas or religious texts that how in times of calamity, gods or demons created a specially powerful male or female form from the radiance of their bodies and got rid of the calamity by killing the enemy with it. Such incidents have been mentioned repeatedly in religious texts. For example, Lord Shiva had taken the help of Kritya Purush to destroy Daksha's yagya. To end Bhasmasur, Shri Vishnu had created Mohini in the form of Kritya. In reality, Kritya is a special powerful divine energy which has the ability to make even impossible tasks successful. It is neither in the category of gods nor can it be placed in the category of demons or vampires. It is purely a part of the mind which takes the form of Manas Kanya or Manas Purush according to the wish of the seeker. Even in today's era, Kritya can prove to be helpful in many ways but the thinking should be positive.

It is not that easy to use Kritya Vidya. Because to sow the seed with the power of mental resolve, two resolves have to be joined to form one.When you perform Kritya Prayog, then along with using your imagination, it is necessary to know which three elements should be combined with how much potency to create that Maya world with the power of that Sadhana.

Your command should be over any of the five elements. And the five elements do not come under anyone's control just like that.In the above article, it has been said first that a Sadhak should practice some subjects under Sadhana. Such as the mystery of the upper world of souls, the levels of the upper world, which energies reside at what potency in each level, which souls reside in which form at which level on these levels.

Tupla (Buddhist Method):

A Sadhak should practice some subjects under Sadhana. Such as the mystery of the upper world of souls, the levels of the upper world, which energies reside at what potency in each level, which souls reside in which form at which level on these levels.

Let them do their own things, it is possible before your Tulpa develops and becomes good. Although this can speed up development as tulpas get to interact with other people, you should be careful about who they talk to, and don't dump them on forums and dump rooms as some sort of plaything. Talk to your people on your own before you get them on screen and make them think twice before getting involved in any relationships at a young age. Young tulpas are influenced and heavily influenced by their host, so don't make the mistake of thinking that your tulpa is fully self-sufficient, responsible, and ready to make their own life decisions as soon as they are able to speak.

This community has a lot of resources you can use to learn more about tulpas, and start your own journey in this phenomenon. The pages below include a short guide (eventually) that will teach you how to create your own tulpa, and introduce you to the terms used in the community. If you have questions that this lesson doesn't answer, you can take a look at the Glossary to help you better understand certain terms and concepts.

In addition to these beginner resources, there are many more guides written by members of the community. There are a lot of them, and it will definitely help you to read different guides as you create your tulpa. Some will be general guides, and talk about the entire process of creating a tulpa - others are about a specific technique or aspect of an event. Be sure to not take any one guide or one person's advice as the objective truth, but draw your own conclusions after getting many different opinions on the matter. This is a personal journey - not one where you should blindly follow what someone else has to say.

Let them do their own things, it is possible before your Tulpa develops and becomes good. Although this can speed up development as tulpas get to interact with other people, you should be careful about who they talk to, and don't dump them on forums and dump rooms as some sort of plaything. Talk to your people on your own before you get them on screen and make them think twice before getting involved in any relationships at a young age. Young tulpas are influenced and heavily influenced by their host, so don't make the mistake of thinking that your tulpa is fully self-sufficient, responsible, and ready to make their own life decisions as soon as they are able to speak.

This community has a lot of resources you can use to learn more about tulpas, and start your own journey in this phenomenon. The pages below include a short guide (eventually) that will teach you how to create your own tulpa, and introduce you to the terms used in the community. If you have questions that this lesson doesn't answer, you can take a look at the FAQ or Glossary to help you better understand certain terms and concepts.

In addition to these beginner resources, there are many more guides written by members of the community. There are a lot of them, and it will definitely help you to read different guides as you create your tulpa. Some will be general guides, and talk about the entire process of creating a tulpa - others are about a specific technique or aspect of an event. Be sure to not take any one guide or one person's advice as the objective truth, but draw your own conclusions after getting many different opinions on the matter. This is a personal journey - not one where you should blindly follow what someone else has to say.

Humjad (Islamic Method):

In the vast tapestry of occult wisdom, many mystical beings and entities symbolize the union of spirit and matter. One such enigmatic figure is Humjad, a spiritual entity revered in various esoteric traditions. Humjad represents the harmonious convergence of the physical and metaphysical realms, embodying the principles of balance, transformation, and transcendence. This article delves into the spiritual significance of Humjad, exploring its origins, symbolism, and the profound lessons it imparts to seekers on the path of spiritual awakening.

Origins and Historical Context

The origins of Humjad are shrouded in mystery, with references found in ancient texts and oral traditions passed down through generations. Humjad is often depicted as a guardian or mediator between the earthly and celestial domains, a bridge that connects the mundane with the divine. In some traditions, Humjad is considered a manifestation of the primordial force that gave birth to the universe, a being that embodies the cosmic dance of creation and dissolution.

Symbolism of Humjad

Humjad's symbolism is rich and multi-faceted, offering profound insights into the nature of existence and the journey of the soul. Key symbols associated with Humjad include:

Duality and Balance: Humjad is often depicted with dual aspects, such as male and female, light and dark, or life and death. This duality represents the balance of opposites and the harmonious integration of different forces within the cosmos.
Transformation and Alchemy: As a symbol of transformation, Humjad embodies the alchemical process of turning base materials into gold, or the spiritual journey of transmuting the self from a state of ignorance to enlightenment. This process involves inner purification, self-discovery, and the awakening of higher consciousness.
Guardian of Thresholds: Humjad is seen as a guardian of thresholds, the liminal spaces where transitions occur. This can include the transition between life and death, the passage from one stage of spiritual development to another, or the crossing from the physical world to the spiritual realm.

Union of Spirit and Matter: At its core, Humjad symbolizes the union of spirit and matter, the realization that the material world is not separate from the divine but an expression of it. This union teaches that true spiritual awakening involves embracing and transcending the material world, recognizing the sacred in all aspects of life.

Spiritual Teachings of Humjad

The teachings of Humjad offer valuable guidance for those on the spiritual path. Key lessons include:

Embrace Duality: Humjad teaches that duality is an inherent part of existence and that true harmony comes from embracing and integrating opposites. This involves recognizing the value of both light and dark, joy and sorrow, and other polarities in our lives.

Seek Transformation: The journey of spiritual awakening is one of continuous transformation. Humjad encourages seekers to engage in practices that promote inner alchemy, such as meditation, self-reflection, and ritual work, to transmute their inner shadows and unlock their divine potential.

Honor Transitions: Transitions are sacred moments of growth and change. Humjad guides us to honor these thresholds, whether they are personal milestones, life transitions, or spiritual awakenings, and to approach them with reverence and mindfulness.

Recognize the Sacred in the Mundane: Humjad reminds us that the material world is not separate from the divine. By seeing the sacred in everyday life, we can cultivate a deeper sense of connection to the universe and a greater appreciation for the beauty and mystery of existence.

Practices to Connect with Humjad

To connect with the energy and wisdom of Humjad, consider incorporating the following practices into your spiritual routine:

Meditation and Visualization: Engage in meditation sessions where you visualize Humjad, focusing on the symbols and attributes associated with this mystical being. Allow the energy of Humjad to guide you towards balance, transformation, and spiritual insight.

Rituals and Offerings: Create rituals that honor Humjad, incorporating elements that symbolize duality, transformation, and the union of spirit and matter. Offerings such as candles, incense, and symbolic objects can help you connect with Humjad's energy.

Journaling and Reflection: Keep a spiritual journal where you reflect on the lessons and insights gained from connecting with Humjad. Document your experiences, dreams, and any messages you receive during your meditative practices.

Nature and Sacred Spaces: Spend time in nature or visit sacred spaces that resonate with you. These environments can help you attune to the energy of Humjad and foster a deeper connection to the spiritual dimensions.

Humjad, as a mystical symbol of the union of spirit and matter, offers profound teachings and insights for those on the spiritual path. By embracing the duality of existence, seeking transformation, honoring transitions, and recognizing the sacred in the mundane, we can align ourselves with the wisdom of Humjad and embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and self-realization. Through dedicated practices and a reverent approach to life, we can cultivate a deeper connection to this enigmatic entity and the divine forces it represents, ultimately achieving a harmonious integration of our physical and spiritual selves.


In conclusion, the exploration of illusion and shadow unveils the profound depths of human potential, inviting us to transcend limitations and embrace the transformative power of consciousness. By honoring the interconnectedness of mind, spirit, and reality, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and evolution, poised at the threshold of infinite possibilities. The mind's ability to influence physical reality through the placebo effect and visualization is a testament to the interconnectedness of mental and physical health. By harnessing the power of belief and expectation, individuals can turn their visualizations into reality, improving their health, performance, and overall quality of life. As research in this area continues to evolve, the potential for applying these techniques in various fields becomes increasingly promising. Discussions on "Mind Creartions" within Vedic and Tantric contexts serve to illuminate the profound potential of human consciousness and its ability to transcend biological norms, offering a holistic view of existence that integrates spiritual practices with quantum possibilities.

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