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Siddha yoga
Demi Powell
The Siddha Yoga Path: A Journey to Inner Transformation
The Siddha Yoga Path is a spiritual journey rooted in ancient Indian traditions, offering seekers a profound path toward self-discovery, inner peace, and enlightenment. At its core, Siddha Yoga focuses on realizing the divinity within oneself through disc…
By registered users: 21
Ashtanga yoga
Dr Sannjay
Saturn the Karma Master
Saturn: The Cosmic Guide to Life’s Greatest Lessons Saturn, the distant, enigmatic planet encircled by its awe-inspiring rings, has always fascinated and mystified humanity. Beyond its physical beauty lies a force that governs discipline, karma, and evol…
By registered users: 14
Anusara Yoga
Dr Sannjay
Benefits of Yoga: Mental and Physical Health
Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, has garnered worldwide acclaim for its profound benefits on both mental and physical well-being. Beyond its physical postures (asanas), yoga encompasses breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation, offeri…
By registered users: 13
Ashtanga yoga
The Benefits of Yoga for Physical and Mental Well-being
Boost your physical strength and flexibility with yoga! Are you ready to take your physical strength and flexibility to new heights? Look no further than the ancient practice of yoga! With its combination of postures and movements, yoga is an incredible …
By registered users: 25
Anusara Yoga
Nanthabalan Elangovan
The Transformative Power of Meditation: Cultivating Inner Peace
Introduction In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of calm and inner peace has become more important than ever. One practice that has been embraced by millions is meditation. This ancient technique offers a path to stillness and self-discovery ami…
By registered users: 29
Yin Yoga
The Art of Balancing Yin and Yang in Your Yoga Practice
In today’s fast-paced world, finding balance is more important than ever. And when it comes to your yoga practice, balancing the energetic forces of yin and yang can take your wellness game to the next level. Think of yin yoga as the chill pill for your …
By registered users: 31
Kundalini yoga
Aline Ra M
Kundalini Guide: What It Is and How to Awaken It Within You
Many are her name. The Inner Woman, the Serpent Power, Kundalini Shakti. Present in many esoteric traditions, Kundalini refers to an energy that is coiled at the base of the spine. It’s been there since birth, and in most of us, it lies dormant. In a way,…
By registered users: 32
Vinyasa yoga
Lea Grimaldi
Yoga for Weight Management
Is yoga a good exercise option for weight loss? The short answer is yes, absolutely. The long answer is, not in the way we might usually think about exercise and weight loss. Yoga is a complex system of health and wellness that connects our mind, body, a…
By registered users: 33
Hatha yoga
Matthew Anthony DeRubertis
What is your personal power?
The times we are living in can easily cause us to feel disempowered. We seemingly can’t trust information sources anymore. Facts have become blurry. Political and social issues are literaly splitting friends and families apart. It can be quite intense ju…
By registered users: 23
Vinyasa yoga
Rebecca Neusinger
Do poor digestion and an uncomfortable tummy get you down? Thought so…Yoga, Digestive Health & Self-Care
When we talk about a healthy ecosystem, what comes to mind? Nature, flora, fauna, habitats, natural environments? Probably. But humans also, as biological entities interacting with our environment and energetic fields, are an ecosystem. A quick google sea…
By registered users: 40
Restorative Yoga
Annie Moore
Take Charge of Your Bone Health During Menopause
When I approached my menopause years I had no idea that this midlife phase could effect my bone health. Until I became a yoga teacher seven years ago and this is what I’ve learned. As oestrogen levels deplete the bones can loose their density. Its import…
By registered users: 17
Iyengar yoga
Praggati Anand Oswaal
10 Yoga Myths Debunked
1.Yoga is only for flexible people The truth is that practicing Yoga asanas on a consistent basis improves flexibility. Saying you have to be flexible for Yoga is like saying you have to be in shape to go to the gym. In fact, Yoga increases the awareness…
By registered users: 16
Iyengar yoga
Praggati Anand Oswaal
10 reasons why I practice Yoga
Yoga is my passion and it has changed my life and its perspective in many ways. Here are the top 10 reasons why I practice Yoga everyday 1.AWARENESS Physical and mental toxins create stiffness and tension in the body and mind. On some days, I do a pose …
By registered users: 14
Hatha yoga
Vanessa Murray
We've Forgotten Pratyahara
When I ask yoga teachers what Ashtanga is, they almost always start describing the primary series of poses. But it goes so much deeper than that. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra—the most ancient and revered sourcebook for yoga practice— the eightfold path is ca…
By registered users: 12
Dru Yoga
Joseph Evans
Dru yoga
Since leaving clinical psychiatry more than 20 years back, my journey has offered me numerous chances for my inner awakening. I’m enchanted to have this chance to share with my psychiatric colleagues some of the delightfully simple, however incredible, he…
By registered users: 23
Dru Yoga
Jody Mills
Dru Yoga
Dru Yoga is a sort of yoga that began in 1978 at Bangor University by a gathering of yoga aficionados: Mansukh Patel, Chris Barrington, Rita Goswami, Annie Jones, and John Jones. Its birthplaces and lessons were propelled by crafts by Francis of Assisi a…
By registered users: 33
Demi Powell
How Dao Flow Yoga Helps with Women Health and Fertility
Dao Flow Yoga for women’s health and fertility is a practice that I developed to help boost the whole menstrual cycle by doing very specific yoga practices that act directly on the Chinese medicine fertility acupuncture meridians. Dao Flow also works by a…
Tantric yoga
Demi Powell
An essential guide to Tantric Yoga
If the word Tantra conjures up scenes of sexuality, you’re not alone. The introduction of Tantric practices in the West has inadvertently become identified with a practice that’s laced with nudity, sexuality, and occasionally, promiscuity. The truth is,…
By registered users: 19
Dru Yoga
Mary Miller
Dru Yoga is another type of yoga that is more delicate than different structures
Dru Yoga is a type of yoga that is more delicate than different structures. Sarah Dawson required an end of the week retreat in Wales where she joined it with strolls through the British open country. Over the previous year, I’ve been snared on investiga…
By registered users: 4
Siddha yoga
Demi Powell
Siddha Yoga Guide [Asanas and Benefits]
Siddha Yoga is a spiritual path created by Swami Muktananda. Based on the eastern philosophies and teachings from the Indian Yogic scriptures like Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita and Kashmir Shaivism, the tradition and path of Siddha Yoga is developed. The central…
By registered users: 15
Tantric yoga
Demi Powell
Deity Yoga: a Tantrik Technology
Deity yoga is one of the hardest forms of Tantrik Yoga to comprehend. Deity yoga is a Tantrik practice of invoking sides of the One divine Consciousness and identifying oneself with them. The One energy comes out as countless different ‘vibrations’, eithe…
By registered users: 45
Yin Yoga
Demi Powell
Best 5 Yoga Schools In London
Say Namaste because we found the top 5 yoga classes for you in London. Re:Centre Yoga Foundations Yoga Foundations class is an excellent way to build confidence alongside other students who are new or returning to practice. You will learn the basic pos…
By registered users: 5
Ashtanga vinyasa yoga
Demi Powell
The Basics of Ashtanga Yoga
The following article could be considered controversial and may not appeal to everyone … but I think it is important to call things by their name. Some people think that Ashtanga Yoga is a modern, athletic style of yoga that links postures with breathing…
By registered users: 3
Siddha yoga
Demi Powell
Principles & Benefits of Siddha Yoga
Yoga is a practice that promotes discipline and balance. There are many forms of yoga, such as Kundalini yoga, Ashtanga yoga, and Power yoga, which positively impact the body and promote peace within the mind and spirit. Siddha yoga is a form of yoga tha…
By registered users: 4