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Past Life Regression
Hassan Siddiqui
Your Scars Don't Define You
If you have any mental health issues, if you are suffering, if there are scars on your body and soul, remember that they don’t define you. If you were beaten physically or emotionally and you have scars, know that they are not your definition. They are ju…
By registered users: 47
Past Life Regression
Agnieszka Furtak
Healing Sexual Trauma From Childhood
I would like to share a deeply moving transcript from one of my hypnosis sessions. My client was born in India and migrated with her mother and a brother to the United States when she was ten years old. For about two years (it started when S was about eig…
By registered users: 38
Past Life Regression
Agnieszka Furtak
Electric Current and a Tree Network
Recently, I conducted a magical past life/regression therapy session. It was one of those rare days, when I didn’t need to guide a client into trance, in order to help them heal from trauma. I love those types of regression sessions! This beautiful lady (…
By registered users: 38
Past Life Regression
Demi Powell
Learn about your past lives with Past Life Regression
Let’s face it, it’s hard to know what to do when you want to find out more about your past lives. A lot of people have the same burning questions about past lives, past life regression and where to start. In short, you would like to look into a past life…
By registered users: 19
Past Life Regression
Rae Caroline Calnan
Journey Through Lifetimes Part 3 – What Past Lives have I had and how can they affect me?
As you move further along your journey of where you came from and your first incarnation on earth you reach some of your previous past lives that you chose to experience to help you hopefully grow and evolve. I say some of your past lives as when you go o…
By registered users: 31
Past Life Regression
Rae Caroline Calnan
Journey Through Lifetimes Part 2 – What was my first incarnation on Earth?
From working with clients and my own insights we have already looked at why you chose to incarnate on Earth so now let us look at who or what you started life on Earth as. If you did not come from another dimension, planet, star or a place not yet revea…
By registered users: 54
Past Life Regression
Rae Caroline Calnan
Journey Through Lifetimes Part 1 – Where do I come from?
Where do I come from? This is a question that has been asked many times and from working with clients who want to explore their past lives, where they originally came from and my own insights this is my answer to that question. Yes you have come from ma…
By registered users: 15
Past Life Regression
Demi Powell
What is Reincarnation?
Reality is a consciousness experiment set in linear time to experience emotions. Within the matrix of its design all things occur at the same time, hence there is no past, present or future, but multidimensional experiences souls have simultaneously. To …
By registered users: 34
Past Life Regression
Susan Woods
Past Life Regression — What is it and How it Might Help You
As a hypnotherapist at Aloha Healing Women for twenty four years there have been many occasions when it has been helpful for a person to review a past life to help them heal their present life. You may not “believe” in past lives and this is not about co…
By registered users: 30
Past Life Regression
Demi Powell
The 5th Yama - Aparigraha: 5 Ways It can Ignite Lasting Non-attachment, Freedom and Unconditional Love In You
What is aparigraha? Aparigraha is freedom from greed, possessiveness, or covetousness. To define and understand the underlying meaning of aparigraha, let’s look at its three parts: the first is “graha”, which means to reach for, accept, seek, or crave; t…
By registered users: 37