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Dream Interpretation
Emily Werner
Aligning with the Suns rhythm - Circadian Rhythm
What is circadian rhythm (CR) and how it works: CR is our internal 24 hour clock that balances waking and sleeping cycles. Circadian comes from the Latin circa meaning “around” and diem meaning “day”. As the sun rises- cortisol is high, as he sun goes do…
By registered users: 31
Dream Interpretation
Joanna Rose Tierney
SLEEP PARALYSIS AND DEMONIC ATTACKS Hello this is Joanna from Soul Centre. I am a Shamanic Healer. I work on people all over the world using distant healing. I am here to explain sleep paralysis and tell you how to stop it from happening. Have you ever …
By registered users: 42
Dream Interpretation
John Jilly
A mystical look at dreams - Images, symbols and the dream connection
A mystical look at dreams - Images, symbols and the dream connection \_\_\______________________________________ As a precursor to this edition of our Ascent into Novelty as written and spoken about by Logan Rayne Carley, it should be noted that this te…
By registered users: 7
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
Taking Naps can Dramatically Increase Learning, Memory, and Awareness
Did you know that some towns actually shut down in the afternoon so that everyone can go or a quick power nap, recharge and come back to work? Unfortunately, this isn’t the case in the US where a mid-day nap is quite the luxury rarely who can afford and i…
By registered users: 3
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
The Myth of the Eight-Hour Sleep
We often worry about lying awake in the middle of the night — but it could be good for you. A growing body of evidence from both science and history suggests that the eight-hour sleep may be unnatural. In the early 1990s, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr conduct…
By registered users: 13
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
The Dope on Pot – How Marijuana Affects Sleep and Dreams
The U.S. is slowly and steadily moving towards legalizing marijuana in all fifty states. Almost half have already legalized medical marijuana; more are on their way. Several states have legalized recreational use of marijuana, and some have given the nod …
By registered users: 3
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
Magic Mushrooms Put the Human Brain in Dream Mode and Facilitate Higher Thinking
The first time I took psychedelic mushrooms it was an accident. I was in college, at a friend’s party. A European hippy buddy had brought a big bag and left them out. I ate a handful, thinking it was some weird Euro trail mix or something. My sentence co…
By registered users: 13
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
Chronic Sleep Deprivation Suppresses Immune System
Many people report getting sick when they don’t get enough sleep. A new study helps explain why. Researchers took blood samples from 11 pairs of identical twins with different sleep patterns and discovered that the twin with shorter sleep duration had a …
By registered users: 7
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
Staff Should Start Work at 10am to Avoid 'Torture' of Sleep Deprivation
Forcing staff to start work before 10am is tantamount to torture and is making employees ill, exhausted and stressed, an Oxford University academic has claimed. Before the age of 55, the circadian rhythms of adults are completely out of sync with normal …
By registered users: 20
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
Expert Says: Intelligent People Go to Bed Late, Leave a Mess Everywhere, and Use Bad Language
Were you annoyed as a kid, when your folks instructed you to clean your room, sent you to bed early and scolded you for cursing? There might be a reason for your behaviour. Studies suggest, that it can be linked to an increase of your IQ. Clever peopl…
By registered users: 16
Dream Interpretation
Hector Arnold
Scientists Prove That Cryogenics Works! Frozen Life Can Be Reanimated Later
To survive the 90-year-long journey between Earth and the far-off planet Homestead II, humans on the ship in the 2016 sci-fi bomb Passengers were cryogenically frozen, suspending them in the throes of youth. The assumption is that thawing will bring thei…
By registered users: 23
Dream Interpretation
Demi Powell
How to maintain your emotional wellness according to the science of sleep
Rosalind Cartwright is one of the leading sleep researchers in the world. Her unofficial title is Queen of Dreams. In The The Twenty-four Hour Mind:, she looks back on the progress of sleep research and reminds us there is much left in the black box of s…
By registered users: 15
Dream Interpretation
Demi Powell
Sleep Paralysis: How to Induce it Tonight
It is often easier to induce astral projection having first induced sleep paralysis. By the time you have finished reading this to the end, you will know everything you need to know to do this yourself. Sleep paralysis is quite easy to induce, because y…
By registered users: 57
Dream Interpretation
Demi Powell
5 Essential Habits for Healthy Sleep
All of us spend the day being conscious and aware and spend the night being seemingly unconscious and unaware. This rhythm of rest and activity pervades nature and affects every creature. But human beings are unique, because only we use sleep to restore b…
By registered users: 6
Dream Interpretation
Sheila Balgobin - The Dream Decipherer
Depression and Sleep: An Endless Dark Night
How are Depression and Sleep Related? Depression and sleep are closely intertwined in a dark and nightmarish tango, in what is termed a bidirectional relationship. What this means is that poor sleep can contribute to the development of depression and tha…
By registered users: 8
Dream Interpretation
Demi Powell
How Dreams Shaped The Evolution Of Spirituality And Religion
Carl Jung, the Swiss founder of depth psychology and early proponent of dream analysis, was the first to seriously study what he called “big dreams” — vivid and memorable dream experiences that occur rarely, but when they do, can have a lasting impact on …
By registered users: 68
Dream Interpretation
Kellie Gonzalez
Woman Tracks Lost People in Her Dreams, Finds Lost Objects with Intuition
Lark was in an antiques mall. She has an interest in Native American artifacts (she was an archaeologist before turning to environmental law), and loves to rummage for treasures. She was in a store in the basement of the mall, and in a dark corner a crat…
By registered users: 3
Dream Interpretation
Marguerite Little
Brains Sweep Themselves Clean Of Toxins During Sleep
While the brain sleeps, it clears out harmful toxins, a process that may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, researchers say. During sleep, the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain increases dramatically, washing away harmful waste proteins that build up…
By registered users: 37
Dream Interpretation
Glenda Jacobs
Here is Why You Should Always Shower Before Bed
Whether you’re feeling stressed or just need something to wake you up, sometimes there’s nothing better then having a shower. Studies have already shown that showering in the morning can boost your energy and make you feel more awake, with one study even …
By registered users: 6
Dream Interpretation
Tracy Campbell
The Japanese Art of (Not) Sleeping
The Japanese don’t sleep. They don’t nap. They do ‘inemuri’. Dr Brigitte Steger explains. The Japanese don’t sleep. This is what everyone – the Japanese above all – say. It’s not true, of course. But as a cultural and sociological statement, it is very i…
By registered users: 9
Dream Interpretation
Angelica Nelson
Experience 'Llucid-dream cinema' In Rotterdam
This year’s International Film Festival Rotterdam had a rich selection of filmic fare, as world famous directors like Guillermo del Toro appeared alongside lesser-known filmmakers. However, the most fascinating aspect of the festival was not actually a mo…
By registered users: 11
Dream Interpretation
Demi Powell
Tips for building a Healthy Sleep Routine
When we have too much on our plate and find ourselves falling behind on our to-do list, sleep is usually the first thing we sacrifice to do other things that we consider more important. Here’s the reality – there’s always going to be something you need to…
By registered users: 2
Dream Interpretation
Demi Powell
Your guide to healthy sleeping
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Trouble staying asleep? How does one get a good night sleep? What are the tips for sleeping well through the night? Remember when you could fall asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow and not wake up until the alar…
By registered users: 16
Dream Interpretation
Demi Powell
You can remember your dreams with these Plants
How many of us remember our dreams? How many of us can control them? People who have lucid dreams know they are dreaming and they have the ability to control their dreams. The lucid dreamers I know are able to navigate their dreamscape with an awakened …
By registered users: 18